Dj Sbu Pens An Open Letter About MoFaya, SABC, Flabba Funeral and More

DJSbu apologises to the SABC:
I have been nothing but a law abiding citizen who pays his taxes and has dedicated his career to the upliftment of the South African Youth.
I found and run the Sbusiso Leope Education Foundation popularly known as S.L.E.F amongst young people which is a 9 year old South African Non Profit Organisation.
We are aimed at meeting the needs of disadvantaged learners through educational assistance. We give talks in high schools, run mentorship & feeding scheme programmes, offer extra maths & science weekend classes & we run yearly bursary campaigns to assist students with the help of willing & able individuals & companies.
Our annual SLEF bursary drive has just assisted about 37 learners this year alone. We have proudly helped over 400 young people over the years and we continue to do so.
Over and above helping young people through a non profit organisation I run together with 3 other entrepreneurs a For-Profit educational company named Leadership 2020 which organises Successful Seminars amongst entrepreneurs and professionals. We do university dialougues, deliver educational, entrepreneurship and leadership content through DVDs and books.
I have been honored by both local and global platforms such as CNN, UNICEF, Forbes, the City Of Ekurhuleni, Dep Of Education, Lead SA, Mail&Guardian (Top 200 Brilliant Young South Africans), ANN7 nominated me as a candidate for South African Person Of The Year, made 100 most influential Africans list.
All these accolades are because of my continuous contributions towards promoting education, servant leadership and entrepreneurship in Africa.
SABC discovered my talents when I was just 21 years old. I have presented Gumba Fire, Acted on Yizo Yizo, Generations, Isidingo and numerous other feature films on the platform. I have been nothing but a loyal member of the SABC & it is because of the SABC that I have gone on to achieve all these accolades I have mentioned above. Numerous times when I got multiple opportunities to join SABCs competitors (including 5 current offers I have right now) on both radio and TV platforms, I have refused to take because of my alliegience, loyalty & love for the SABC.
MoFaya Beverage Company is inspired by the National Development Plan (NDP), which is a blueprint for eliminating and reducing inequality in the country by 2030. This plan resonates with MoFaya Beverage Company’s ideals and values of seeking to eliminate poverty by drawing on the energies of the country’s people in particular the youth, and to foster an inclusive economy by promoting partnerships throughout the society.
MoFaya Beverage Company would like to assist the state in reaching its ambitious goals for the small to medium enterprise sector of creating 90% of employment opportunities by this sector by 2030.
As an SME, MBC is not shielded from the many challenges facing the SMEs in the country. It is a known fact that despite the government’s commitment to growing and supporting SMEs, we continue to face an extremely hostile business environment particular accessing funding and entering into the formal retail space.
During the event there were numerous brands that received exposure through the Metro FM Awards attendees live on TV. To list a few:
1. Gucci
2. LV
3. Cartier
4. Richmond
5. Etc..
We are currently not aware of any punitive or remedial action which is been taken for the attendees who mentioned these brands. These are the types of challenges that up and coming local brands have to go through whereby well established brands get preferential treatment in one way or the other as demonstrated above.
No one has a right to abuse the public broadcaters platform including myself. I would like to offer my sincere apologies to the SABC. With that being said I would also like to mention that MoFaya was officially one of the goodie bag sponsors on the night & I thought it wouldn’t be a problem to talk about it as everybody else was talking about the different types of interbational brands they were wearing.
I want to continue to play a significant role im empowering SAs. I respect the SABCs internal processes that are currently taking place. If the outcome costs me my job & I dont feature on the new MetroFm line up. I would like to appreciate the journey I have travelled with the station & I will go finish my MBA studies, come back on a strategic level to run the SABC.
I have a consistent remarkable track record of multiple successful projects within the sector, my genuine love & passion for South Africans, 13 years broadcasting experience, servant leadership & entrepreneurship skills, the understanding of the structures within the organization make me a perfect candidate in a few years. Anything I set my mind to, I achieve.
I would like to humbly thank the SABC for everthing