10 Of Our Most Favorite All-Time Jacob Zuma Quotes

Here’s taking a look back at some of the most interesting statements made by our dearly president, Jacob Zuma. OVER the course of the years, President Jacob Zuma have left us wondering and ten of the most favorite, ridiculous follow…..
1. On whether he is a crook
“Me? Well, I don’t know, I must go to a dictionary and learn what a crook is. I’ve never been a crook.
2. On politicians and public funds:
“I think it is important to say that public servants, in particular, more than anybody else, ought to be aware that they should be more upright and transparent in so far as the use of public funds is concerned.”
3. On the ANC and South Africa’s Constitution:
“[The ANC is] more important [than the Constitution].”
“[the Constitution is only there] to regulate matters.”
4. On providing leadership as the Deputy President:
“…The Deputy President has not been weakened by anything because he has committed no crime, and is therefore not going to relinquish… any position or responsibility. There is absolutely no need for that.”
5. On fighting corruption:
“We have set a firm foundation to fight corruption… the most important thing is that we have a system to deal with it and, who comes to the net is not the issue, it could be anyone”
6. On whether there is any evidence of corruption in arms deal:
“Up to this day, nobody has found anything. They’ve been chasing it in the sea, in the sky and everywhere. Nothing has been found.”
7. On accountability:
“No one person can be above the ANC. He can’t be.”
8. On crime:
“Our media, which is very open and report on really everything, tend to exaggerate the crime issue…This is why one gets the impression that we have much more crime than other countries.”
9. On Robert Mugabe:
“…The people love him. So how can we condemn him?”
10. On how long the ANC will rule, in 2004:
“The ANC will rule South Africa until Jesus comes back.”