
Top 10 Ways Mobile Phones Are Changing the World

So long gone are the days of writing letters and looking for jobs in newspapers. So many inventions have been done in technology but we must say mobile phone have the most impact in people’s lives. Nothing is ever the same for a person who owns one. Life is just easier and more organized, here are some of the ways mobile phone have changed lives.

1. Connecting people
It is way easier now to communicate with people from all corners of the world because you’re not limited to be at a certain place to be able to contact someone on a landline. Anywhere anytime you can contact anyone using a mobile phone.


2. Easy planning
It’s now easier to plan and schedule anything because of technology. People are using their mobile phones to schedule meetings and make appointments.

3. Influence on language
The use of mobile phones with different people helps improve the problems caused by language barriers. Also helps in learning new words that people use especially when shortening long words.

4. Internet
Not a lot of people still go internet cafe`s to search the web, all is now available in your pocket. It makes life easier when you are lost, or want to research you no longer need to carry your heavy PC because you can do most things done on your PC with your mobile phone.

5. Finding jobs
It makes looking for employment easier. Especially when you are unemployed and struggling, it’s cheaper and convenient for everyone.

6. Create Marketplace
Most people are using their mobile phones to market themselves to their contacts and it’s easier to be reached by other people because you are always available.

7. Saving Lives

It’s easier to save lives nowadays with mobile phones. It doesn’t matter where you are you can just call if you are in trouble; it also makes it easier to spread the word on how people can be cautious about diseases and how to prevent them.

8. Save & Spend money
Cellphone based finance also makes credit available can invest so they can invest in building a home or starting a small business.

9. People’s social skills
People have become comfortable with one another. Conversations about anything are easier to approach and interacting skills have improved in people.

10. Learning
With mobile phones it allows you to talk to more than one person. Discussions are held on mobile phones and learning groups are created. This makes students lives especially, easier and cheaper.

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