What it really Means when they say “Let’s take a break”

What does it even mean when your partner says “take a break?” Do they still want to be with you but not right now? Is it a kinder way of saying I’m breaking up with you? Shouldn’t it be black or white, either you’re with me or you are not? Although it might be different with every situation, here’s what we think they might be hinting at you but are just too kind to say it.
It might be that they are easing into a full time break-up. Your partner might still care and wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings so they ask for a break, which becomes a very long break before you know it you don’t even talk anymore. We say there no way someone is going to avoid hurting your feelings because they didn’t say it directly, you’re still going to hurt.
They might use it as a threatening tool to get you to do something for them. And because you are in love and don’t want to lose them you end up doing whatever it is they ask of you. We think this pure manipulation!
It might be that they want more space to themselves. If you are spending too much time together, that might be the reason. Maybe they miss their hanging out with their friends or just some alone time. We understand this one but all you have is to ask you know?! Is a break really necessary?
They might be avoiding the marriage discussions. Maybe they really love you but are not ready to get married so instead of telling you they request “a break”. We think this is crazy if it’s someone you truly love then it shouldn’t matter when you get married.
It could be because they feel some loss of power, maybe they feel like everything is now a compromise for the other person and they are used to control everything around them. Why not discuss it rather than finding ways to escape?
What we fail to understand is what are you supposed to do during this “break”, am I allowed to date other people?, do we see each other at all? Can I still call you my person? How long does a normal break take?
The truth of the matter is, if they happen to find someone better “suited” for them then its bye to you so basically you are temporarily on hold to see if they can find someone better than you. And if they don’t find one and come back it’s not a good feeling to know you were not the first choice, is it? If you love somebody you don’t run away from them, you sort out your differences together, if they can’t do that for you maybe you should give them a permanent break.