Did You Know? – This Day in History

A lot goes on in a day, birthdays, weddings, deaths; records gets broken history is created. Here are some highlights on this day in history.
February 3 1980– Boxer Mohammed Ali toured Africa as US President Jimmy Carter’s envoy. In response to the Soviet Union Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the US decided to boycott the 1980 Olympics in Moscow. They persuaded Ali to undertake a five nation African tour to convince African leaders to also boycott the Olympics. Ali visited Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria, Liberia and Senegal. This backfired on Ali as the Soviet Union was backing many African countries in the fight against colonialism.
February 3 1960– British Conservative Prime Minister Harold Macmillan made the wind of change speech to both houses of Parliament in Cape Town condemning Apartheid. This was the first international criticism against the policies of racial segregation delivered within South Africa. South African Prime Minister Hendrick Verwoerd issued reply rejecting Macmillan’s assertions.
February 3 1952– Anto Lubowski was born in Luderitz Namibia. He attended Gymnasium in Stellenbosch South Africa. On September 12 1989 Lubowski was shot at close range with an AK47 riffle outside his luxury home in Windhoek at the age of 37.
February 3 1874- Gertrude Stein was born. Stein was a member of the “Lost Generation” in Paris and helped develop modernism in Art and Literature. She is also credited for coining the term “The Lost Generation.”
February 3 1821– The first ever woman physician Elizabeth Blackwell is born in Bristol England.
February 3 1931– The Hawke’s Bay earthquake, New Zealand’s worst natural disaster kills 258.
February 3 1876– Albert Spalding with $800 starts sporting goods and co, manufacturing first official baseball, tennis ball, basketball, golf ball and football.
February 3 1964 The Beatles’ album, “meet the Beatles” goes gold.
February 3 1967 Jimmy Hendrix releases “Purple Haze.”
February 3 1981 Former Miss S.A, media entrepreneur and international speaker, Jo-Ann Strauss was born.