How To Talk To Girls On Twitter Without Appearing Creepy

We understand that twitter is for engaging with people even those you don’t really know. So, guys if you follow a lot of girls on twitter, which can be an unchilled place for them, try to be gentle. You might see yourself as this nice genuine guy but maybe try to see yourself through their eyes- you’re just a random guy. So if you want to be less annoying to girls on your twitter, kindly try these easy little ways.
1. Never explain her jokes back to her
If you want to add to a girl’s joke ask yourself if that’s exactly what she meant. If there’s a possibility I’m sure everyone can do without your joke.
2. Don’t mention them
There’s nothing more annoying than someone you don’t follow @s you all the time with inane comments and questions. Chill a little and stop re-tweeting everything they post.
3. Don’t be a pedant
The worst thing you can do is try to correct her grammar, it doesn’t matter how smart you think you are. So before you hit her with “actually”, is possible that she was making a joke? Which is totally allowed for women these days by the way, even if it wasn’t, was it a harmful error to you?
4. It’s not about you
Yes, we know, not “all” men. You personally would never do that. Is that truly what’s important here?
5. Don’t imitate bad dudes in our mentions
No matter how bad you want to say something, don’t mention how you are a better person that the other offensive dudes. Don’t tell us why we deserve better or why when we complain because honestly we don’t know you and that’s just creepy even if you mean well.