5 Things To Do If An Employer Doesn’t Call Back

Expecting a call that doesn’t come from a potential employer can be serious torture. At often times you find yourself constantly checking your e-mail or voicemail, desperately picking up the phone for any unrecognizable number, or staring at the company’s website to see if the position has been filled. You could be sure that you are a shoe-in for the position, and expecting an offer, and then nothing.
If you find yourself in this space, better look at the following tips that will guide you deal with this matter better.
1. Be Patient
Familiar with the phrase, “Good things come to those who wait”? Now just imagine, if you can do this for yourself. It is never been easy to be patient and most people struggle in this instance. If it’s only been 2 weeks, stay positive at all times. You could get the call back.
2. Follow Up – If you don’t get a return call as promised, call them to check on the status of your application and leave a message. Be prepared, professional, and courteous. You should this if an excessive period of time has passed since the interview. If they say the position has been filled, then at least you’ll know why you didn’t hear back.
3. Be persistent
This does not mean that you should be irritating. Coming off to strong could destroy all the chances you could have had for a possible call back. Try to reach the person at least one to three times, explaining that you want the information before you consider other positions because this company would be your first choice.
4. Send an email
If your interviewer told you that you will hear back within a few days, and those few days have passed, send a check-in email, just to remind the employer of your existence, and your eagerness. Doing so will keep your name on their mind, and won’t interrupt their day.
5. Have a plan B
If you don’t know your fate soon after the call, then you must give the employer space until they reach out to you. If you don’t hear back at all, then it’s time to move on. The best way to move on is to stay positive and start looking again.