10 Types Of Employees Who Fail At Their Jobs

There is nothing more frustrating to an owner or manager than an employee who can’t do their job or who is lazy. Some employees just love the idea of waking up and going to work without doing the actual job and expect to get paid at the end of the month. Lazy employees always seem busy but they don’t come out with results at the end of the day or they will do everything in a rush which always ends up in disaster.
In case you were wondering, this is how they kill their time and also some of the results that follow.
1. Who can save them?
2. How comfortable?
3. We wonder who’s going to hire you Sarah?
4. Why don’t you just go home then?
5. There goes my appetite
6. Really, deliverers?
7. Where is your mind at?
8. And the confidence…
9. Wow what an error!
10. I wonder what goes through their minds seeing those long lines