10 Things You Didn’t Know About Simba Mhere

As we continue to mourn the tragic death of Simba, there’s no doubt that everybody agrees how kind, humble, hardworking and intelligent he was. While we will certainly never forget his big heart and biggest smile, here are some facts you might have not known about this big gentle guy.
1. His full name was Simbarashe (which means God’s power in Shona) Mhere.
2. He was originally from Zimbabwe, but moved to South Africa at the tender age of one.
3. Simba had humble beginnings and his parents are missionaries.
4. He attended Randpark High School and was in the rugby team.
5. He later attended University of Johannesburg where he was studying Bcom Accounting.
6. Simba entered a presenter search for Top Billing in 2010 and was crowned the first winner for the search.
7. He hosted the Miss S.A pageant in 2013
8. He was voted YOU Spectacular’s favorite presenter in 2014.
9. Simba was an ambassador for USN
10. Simba was also voted most stylish man in 2013