
10 Signs You Brag Too Much About Yourself

We can go back and forth and argue about whether bragging is a bad thing or not. It all depends on why and where you brag. If you need to show off to get a business deal then go ahead but if you show off to increase likeability and connection to others or because of some insecurities or low self esteem, then maybe you need to deal with the problem. So do you even know you brag, and if you do, does it bother you? These are some of the traits of a person who brags, maybe you’ll recognize yourself in some of them.


1. Self cent-redness
A bragging person always finds a way to make any conversation on hand about them or have to say something similar that might have happened to them or experienced. Not everything should be about you and you should allow others to speak and also listen to them.

2. Bragging on social media
Social media is supposed to be about meeting new people and keeping in touch with friends and family but now it seems like the perfect platform for bragging people who are constantly updating where they had lunch, what they ate and what they wore. Their profiles are filled with all their accomplishments, always bragging about the places they’ve visited and who they’ve met.

3. Name dropping
A bragger is always name dropping celebrities who they have met, influential people or local respected people. They always refer to the time they met this person or this big person said some wise words to them. They use the names to gain credibility and influence without realizing they are embarrassing themselves.

4. Brags about latest purchase
Show off people are quick to make phone calls just to let you know where they are going for a holiday and how much the flights cost if not how much the trip will cost them. Every purchase they never pass the opportunity to tell you the brand name or how many they got. It’s ok to keep some things to yourself.

5. Looks for compliments
Bragging people will always find a way to force a compliment directed at them from you. They want to be the center of attention, everyone wants to be complimented but isn’t it better if you get compliments that are genuine and not forced ones?

6. Looks down on others
Someone who brags thinks they are better than others based on their level of education, how technologically ahead they are, and the neighborhood they live in. They tend to be very materialistic people which can be insulting. What happened to accepting people for who they are and what they like?

7. Don’t stop talking
A bragging person doesn’t stop talking until someone stops them. They want to know their presence is felt. They’ll even change the way they talk to sound accomplished or fancy in whatever suiting case. They just want to hear themselves speak as if they are into their own voices.

8. Demeanor and posture
Someone who has bragging traits is constantly finding ways to look or appear larger than life. Suddenly they have a certain posture and gestures to gain attention. They have subtle tactics to get noticed like hand on hip, chin up or large hand gestures.

9. Humiliated when others brag
Bragging people feel humiliated when others do the same, they can’t stand other people talking about their accomplishments or their new car. They are the first to mention how annoying it is that someone is bragging, they feel like their ego has been bruised because it should always be them.

10. Shows off boyfriend/girlfriend
Bragging people are constantly giving praises to their boyfriends or girlfriends in untimely occasions. If you take him or her to an uninvited to a party or keep comparing him or her to celebrities you could come across as insecure, shallow show off.

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