10 Reasons Why Sports Minister Fikile Mbalula Deserves An Award For Best Entertainer

I am sure by now we have all made a conclusion and it’s definite that Minister Fikile Mbalula takes the crown with his unapologetic outspoken self on the twitter space. If you thought all politicians are modest (not including Julius of course), you still have a lot to learn. His fondness for taking to Twitter to express his views has earned him critics, with some saying he suffers from foot-in-mouth disease. We don’t know about this but one thing for sure is that Mbalula is not one to shy away from taking on his opponents via Twitter.
With all being said, we want to give him an award for being his entertaining self. This is why he so deserves the acknowledgement.
1. When Fikile Mbalula slammed radio personality Gareth Cliff. For comments he made questioning the funeral costs of deceased Bafana Bafana and Orlando Pirates goalkeeper and captain Senzo Meyiwa. He tweeted, ‘Gareth Cliff is suffering from Verwoerd hangover’.
2. When Fikile Mbalula responded to Ntsiki Mazwai’s open letter. In the letter Ntsiki was calling him the Minister Beyonce and complained about Mbalula’s fashion sense. He took to twitter, ‘Questioning my dress sense when you go around naked nobody ever said your dress sense is an invitation to prostitution’.
3. Went he went head to head with Julius Malema on twitter. ‘Asking me who paid for my birthday, did you perhaps pay for it?’, he tweeted. It all started with Mbalula calling out Malema on his “hypocrisy” for wearing a red overall in parliament, whilst wearing Louis Vuitton at his court appearance.
4. Minister Mbalula mocks King Mswati III . A Swazi admirer Mpendulo Dlamini, whose Twitter handle is @mpesh_mayambela, sent Mbalula a tweet stating that he wanted to be like him and went on to ask how the minister had achieved his success. In response, the minister a re-tweeted and told his admirer that “lets (sic) ask King Mswa
5. His Obsession with Songstress Beyonce. Fikila Mbalula just loves commenting on Bafana Bafana’s performances with reference to Beyoncé
6. When Fikile Mbalula sparked a nasty Twitter war with Kenya. Following controversial comments he made about the East African country . He Tweeted, “SAs, Kenyans instead of coming up with #tags to insult each other,come up with tags to advise each other on ways to develop our continent.”
7. When Mbalula trashed Former President Mbeki in letter. Former president Thabo Mbeki is a “conniving” person who betrayed the legacy of struggle icon Nelson Mandela, the ANC’s election head said in an open letter
8. When he was advising the SA Police force. About how to deal with criminals. ‘Shoot the bastards,’ he said. It is unavoidable that innocent civilians will get shot in the crossfire between police and criminals, Deputy Police Minister Fikile Mbalula says.
9. He gave Ntski Mzazwai his peace of mind- Still on that open letter Ntsiki wrote to the Minister. ‘Ntsiki Mazwai is not fit to question my bonafides ngubani yena? Masquerading as an artist’, he continued to tweet.
10. When Mbalula said DA is using witchcraft in Cape Town. He compared the DA’s governing of the Western Cape to witchcraft. “These witches are oppressing us, they are trampling on us. Where are the tokoloshes and the (sangomas) so that we can chase these witches away?”, said Mbalula.