
Top 10 Things Employers Look For When Recruiting

We are now living in a very competitive world. With more people being retrenched than hired, you need to be smart when applying for a job. Know exactly what employers are looking for, be creative and unique with your approach, remember employers receive thousands of C.V.’s per day and have only a few seconds to look at yours.

Here’s how you can make your resume stand out to get that interview call.

1. Accurate position titles
Your employment history shows a number of roles and the corresponding responsibilities that came with them. Make sure that your title regardless of what it’s called in your current job accurately reflects what you do and what similar positions in your field are called.

When they look at your C.V. they want to see if you are qualified specifically for the job they advertised. Make sure you have the right qualification, skills and additional courses for the best outlook . Have a clear focus of the job.

3. Experience
Experience is very important for employers when they are recruiting, the experience on your resume should match with what you are applying for. Add value by having exact experience needed where you are applying. Experience in a different field won’t count.
4. Performance and Efficiency
Employers also look to see how you were performing in your previous job. Always clearly illustrate how you contributed to a company’s growth and development. They look for people who are innovative.

5. Awards and Achievements
They are also looking for people who have succeeded in the particular field. They want people who have won awards for their efforts, achieved more than their targets and in top levels.

6. Leadership
They look for people with experience in leadership, make sure you possess whatever it is they require. Confidence, decision making power, being a team leader, good listening skills, able to execute ideas and take initiative are important factors they look for.

7. Branding
Employers look to see if you take the same approach to branding yourself as they do with their business. It should match.

8. Presentation
How you present yourself through your C.V. is crucial, present a unique look at the skills you bring to the company, use info graphics even videos to convey your experience. Don’t be normal and boring.

9. Social media
Instead of just sending in a C.V. also try to use your social platforms to get their attention, tweet or facebook them, get as much information about the company as you can, show interest in working for the company. That drive and passion can make them want you to be part of them.

10. Communication
Probably the most mentioned skill by employers is the ability to communicate, this is a crucial factor for every company. Make sure you are exceptional in listening, writing and speaking. They want to know if you are able to assess a situation, seek different perspectives and gather more information if needed.

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