Top 10 South African Overseas Exchange Programs

Exchange programs allow young people from South Africa and from around the world to experience new cultures and study abroad to better themselves and their home countries. It’s an amazing opportunity to be able to travel and learn, it also helps in bringing two countries together to promote respect and peace.
If it has crossed your mind that you might want to be part of these programs, here are some different exchange programs and what they offer.
1. The C.A. Foundation (CAF)
The CAF works to achieve positive change by providing opportunities for young people from around the world to participate in J-1 training and internship programs.
2. South African Youth Exchange
It is a youth program of the Ubuntu Institute in partnership with Awesome Travel that has been facilitating work and internships abroad for the last 8yearson programs ranging from 6-12months.
3. The Giving Back Program
The Human Interaction Project (HIP) aims to educate others through real life, hands on experiences that impact change on an individual and global level through one adventure at a time. The Giving Back Program will cover airfare, housing, UBELONG program fees, medical insurance and some incidentals.
4. The NMMU Exchange Program
NMMU signed exchange agreements with institutes throughout Europe, the U.K, U.S.A, Africa and Asia. The exchange agreements have been set up for a specific number of students who will be selected by the home institute and each home institution has its own internal procedure to select students.
5. The Youth Exchange and Study Program (Y.E.S)
Y.E.S. recognizes the importance of youth exchanges as a key component to building bridges between the U.S.A. and other countries around the world. The program launched in South Africa in 2010 in hopes to expand the communication between the American and South African people in order to promote mutual understanding and respect.
6. The Turf Management Program
It provides opportunities for young turfs professionals from around the world to learn more about the turf industry in the U.S.A.
7. The Lions International Exchange Program
It provides participants with a unique cultural learning which is often to young people who are willing to accept the customs of another culture, they should be the appropriate age (15-21), sponsored by a lions club and are capable of representing their sponsoring Lions Club, community and country.
8. The J. William Fulbright Program
The Fulbright Program offers invaluable opportunities for intellectual, professional and artistic growth. It also allows the grantees to meet and work with nationals from around the world in classrooms, libraries and social environments.
9. J.C.R. Cultural Exchange Program
The J.C.R cultural exchange is one of the oldest and largest cultural exchange organizations in South Africa. They offer Au-pair, student exchange and work and travel programs in a safe and supportive environment.
10. Rotary International Youth Exchange
The R.Y.E allows young people to go around the globe to experience new cultures. The Rotary International Board of Directors agreed to recommend youth exchange to clubs worldwide as a worthwhile international activity promoting global peace and understanding.