So basically the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. Only 80 people hold the same wealth as the world’s 3,6 billion poorest people. The wealth of those 80 has doubled in nominal terms while the wealth of the poorest 50% of the world’s population has fallen. Most of them are U.S.A citizens followed by Germany and Russia, with 70 of the 80 being men and 68 of the 80 are 50 years and older.
We managed to compile a list of the top10 richest people from the rest and it goes like this……
1.Bill Gates- who’s an American self made billionaire with a net worth of $76 billion. He made his money from technology.
2. Carlos Slim Helu- he’s a Mexican self made billionaire with a net worth of $72 billion. He made his money from telecommunication.
3. Amancio Ortega- a Spanish self made billionaire with a net worth of $64 billion. He made his money from retail.
4. Warren Buffett- an American self made billionaire with a net worth of $58 billion. He made his money from finance.
5. Larry Ellison- an American self made billionaire with a net worth of $48 billion. He made his money from technology.
6. Charles Koch -an American billionaire with a net worth of $40 billion. He made his money from different sectors.
7. David Koch- an American billionaire with a net worth of $40 billion. He made his money from different sectors.
8. Sheldon Adelson- a self made American billionaire with a net worth of $38 billion. He made his money from entertainment.
9. Christy Walton-an American billionaire with a net worth of $37 billion. She made her money from retail.
10. Jim Walton- an American billionaire with a net worth of $35 billion. He made his money from retail.