
Beware! 10 Food That Cause Yellow Teeth

We all want a bright white smile, you feel good and it boosts your confidence, you might even look younger than you actually are. The challenging part is staying away from foods that causes tooth discoloration because these are some of our feel good foods. While this would be a challenge to just stop all of them at once, you might want to start with maybe taking in moderation and eliminate what you can.

Here’s a list of some of the worst foods for our teeth that we still love.

1. Pickles
Acidic foods are good at opening up the pores of your tooth enamel allowing easy staining. You really don’t have to use the whole tin at once.

2. Black coffee
The outer layer of tooth is very porous, meaning it gets absorbed and stays there. I know you might prefer your coffee black but for your teeth put some milk to make it light.

3. Tea
Because of its tannins, it’s a teeth stainer, you might want to avoid darker tea.

4. Red wine
Although it’s good for your heart, it’s bad for your teeth. Although it’s said to reduce inflammation which can help reduce or prevent gum disease, drink water afterwards or opt for white wine instead.

5. Dark sodas
Dark soda including diet is harmful to teeth because of its strong colour and the temperature whether too cold or hot causes teeth to contrast which makes them more porous and easy to stain.

6. Cranberry juice
The concentrated dark colour and acids causes tooth discoloration, opt for apple juice instead because of its light colour which can wipe away stains.

7. Popsicles
We all know these are a hit in the heat but remember whatever colours your lips and tongue also stains your teeth opt for a lemon ice instead.

8. Soy sauce
Always try to avoid all the dark liquids we use to flavour food, your guide should be if it stains the carpet or t-shirt, it can stain your teeth too.

9. Tomato sauce
We all love our tomato sauce whether serving pasta or on a hotdog. If you know you can’t avoid it, try eat a veggie like lettuce or spinach first because they form a protective film over the teeth.

10. Curry
The color on its own is too strong, so it’s bound to leave stains on your teeth. Try use just a pinch and brush your teeth afterwards.

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