10 Best Tips To Get Investors Knocking at Your Door In No Time
It’s that moment where you are embarking on a journey of starting a business and you are definitely convinced that you stand a high change of being one of the top entrepreneurs on the Forbes List. It doesn’t get any better than that. However, as much as your business idea looks promising you could be struggling with finance related issues. E.g Funding, Capital, Resources etc. This can be a total nightmare.
We have made up a list of tips that you should know on how to get investors knocking at your door instead of the other way around.
1. Show Commitment
It can get very hard to convince a number of strangers to buy into your business idea. Especially if the business isn’t big. What you need to prove that you’re investing your resources—time, money, skills and your own efforts into your start-up. This is very important.
2. Have a good reputation
The reputation of a business is crucial for its survival. Your clients and business partners need to trust and be confident about what your business stands for. Investors will most likely put down their money on something that gives them no doubt.
3. Build customer/client loyalty- Once your customer/clients stays loyal, the changes of you benefiting from the WoW (word of mouth) will increase. You need to always give the best service because
4. Don’t forget to network – Yes, this is just as important. Every business man/ woman must engage in networking. Instead of sitting in your shell expecting a miracle. Go out and introduce your biz.
5. Never Limit yourself – If you want it, go for it! You can achieve anything that you dream of. There’s no problem with your ambition. You are meant for bigger things.
6. Be positive – Always fill your mind with positivity. There’s power in that and a good attitude does draw good things in a long run. So, stop worrying and start picturing the big picture
7. Avoid impulsiveness – Just because you are looking for investors, it doesn’t mean you should go for any investor that sets foot into your door. Don’t be desperate to avoid investors who have an agenda.
8. Work Smart- If you master this step, your life will be easier. Instead of spending too much time working hard, rather find ways to achieve things quicker without getting exhausted. Investors like people who think on their feet.
9. Choose the right investor – Have a goal in mind and know your industry. Pick an investor that shares the same goals with you and believes in you. You need to be confident that they will stick with you even in times where your business expenses hick-ups .
10. Collaborate – Working with other people or businesses will help you achieve more with your business. This step will open many doors for you and get potential investors interested in your business.
Now that you followed these steps , just wait and see….