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Connie Ferguson Looking All Radiant As A Magazine Cover Star

Connie Ferguson Looking All Radiant As A Magazine Cover Star. She is one of the most inspirational woman in South Africa, if not the whole continent. As a career woman, a mother, a businesswoman, a fitness fanatic, Connie Ferguson does everything with ease, leaving everyone in awe.

As much as she seems to have her life together, everything came to a standstill two years ago when she lost her husband Shona Ferguson. Connie went through the most, and her life changed dramatically. She and Shona were the epitome of a healthy marriage, they worked together, ran an empire together and traveled the world together among other things. Now she was all alone, left only with memories and heartbreak.

To cope, the award winning actress, producer and entrepreneur went hard into working out. Connie, always shares her inspirational work outs, which are part of the results of her banging body. She is also invested in her career as an actress, and recently made a return to Generations: The Legacy. Connie also attends events, has fun with her family, it’s good to see her smiling again.

She is also back at gracing magazines, and she is the Clicks Club Card Magazine‘s October 2023 cover girl. As expected, Connie, is sharing her story on how she overcame grief after the death of Shona. This will be a great read to widows and everyone who has lost a loved one. On a more positive side, Connie speaks about being a role model to many.

Change is inevitable. Embrace it. Adapt. Evolve.❤️,” Connie said.

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