Interview With Craze’s Phemelo Kabini

He’s on your TV screens more than you think he is, dominating the ETV’s Craze world slowly but surely. There’s more to this man than the personality you see on Craze every now and then. We had an interview with Mr Frenzy Phemelo Kabini.
Read…Learn and most of all enjoy!
YV: Introduce us to Phemelo Kabini please.
Phemelo Kabini: Phemelo Kabini is a 23 year old young man who was raised by a single mom (Mama’s baby) in Mabopane, north of Pretoria. He attended the prestigious Pretoria Boys High school and later went on to pursue his Post Grad in Marketing at the University of Johannesburg. Phemelo is an over achiever who puts his all in whatever he does and that has granted him the title of being one of the Top students in his marketing department. Those who know Phemelo well can attest that his love for music, TV and Theatre immense. ‘Phemelo’s energy can be contagious and when you are around him you are never short of laughter and fun’ (His friends can testify). Phemelo loves dancing so play some commercial house music for him and see him ‘getting DOWN’. (Like he can literally shut the dance floor).
YV: Describe some of the challenges you had to face before making it into the industry.
Phemelo Kabini: I think for most individuals who want to make it in the industry, the biggest challenge would be actually getting your foot in. Long audition queues, directors who do not think that you are good enough for their show, endless rejection from casting directors are just some of the challenges one has faced before making it into the industry. But I think that one starts experiencing even bigger challenges once they actually get their foot in the industry. (hehehe, but that’s a story for another day)
YV: If it wasn’t for the media space what other career would you have ventured out into?
Phemelo Kabini: I am a marketing graduate and already working behind major brands so if I was not in the media space I would be only focusing on my marketing.
But being an academic and a performer I have always seen myself merging the two industries so I am extremely grateful that I am able to be part of the both worlds.
YV: Who inspires you the most?
Phemelo Kabini: That is always a tricky question to answer because I am not inspired by one person, no one is perfect. I am inspired by different individuals who portray characteristics that make me want to make a difference, whether it is in business, passion, life etc. But I definitely respect the following people’s craft and hustle; Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Thabo Mbeki, Beyonce, Ryan Seacrest and Simon Cowell…
YV: What are some of the greatest lessons you’ve learnt from other personalities in the industry?
Phemelo Kabini: The greatest lessons I have learnt from other personalities is that the industry is not what it seems. Not everyone will have your back and not everyone will want the best for you.
The industry might look glamourous but a lot of work is needed. What one needs to do is to always know their goals and where they see themselves and literally work their butts off to prove themselves. The rewards will materialize in due time.
YV: Describe your very first Frenzy show.
Phemelo Kabini: Hahahahahahah…. Reality hit me hard. I remember my first Frenzy show was with @Zola_Hashatsi, who had been on Craze for some time and was really good at his job so the pressure was hectic. But I had to remind myself that I got the job because someone believed in what I saw in myself and the only person who could mess things up was ME. So I had to deliver! I won’t lie though, it was extremely nerve wrecking but the team made the environment fun and relaxed. (LOL, Don’t ask me to watch that show again though because I will cringe for daaaayyyssss…)
YV: Why should one watch Craze-World Live or Frenzy over every other show?
Phemelo Kabini: I always tell people that Frenzy is literally the “Show with an eye on the future”. It’s a show about lifestyle and gives you the current trends from technology, gadgets, fashion, musicetc… Craze World Live is jam packed with great performances and interviews and it’s really half an hour where you can run away from your stressful day and be entertained in the comfort of your own home. The great thing about both of these shows is that they bring you great content in a fun and entertaining way.
YV: Between performing on stage and presenting which one do you enjoy most?
Phemelo Kabini: I honestly cannot choose one out of the two. I enjoy both. The thing about presenting and being on stage is that they are both live and anything can go wrong so you need to be able to deliver no matter what happens. “The show must go on”.
YV: What are the major differences between theatre and TV?
Phemelo Kabini: TV is extremely technical as you need to know which camera to look into, deliver your lines while directors and producers communicate with you via an ear piece and all this has to happen with ease. Furthermore, you reach and communicate with people from across the country who tune into your show. Whereas Theatre is all about delivering your lines in a way which connects with the people you share the stage with and the audience and this is done without all the cameras and technical things. The beauty about theatre is that you get to perform to an intimate crowd.
YV: What can we expect from Phemelo in the next 2 years?
Phemelo Kabini: Being established in the marketing and media industry with my own radio and tv show.
YV: Describe your “See Mama, I made it!” moment.
Phemelo Kabini: When I received the call from my agent, on my worn out blackberry curve, that I had got the CRAZE gig… I literally screamed in pitches that I never thought I could reach. But I think what really sealed that moment was calling my mom and all she could say was “wayakawena, wayaka…” She sounded so proud and excited and that was enough to make a young man shed a tear.
YV: Besides singing what other areas are you talented in?
Phemelo Kabini: I am a creative by heart so I like coming up with great stories and dramatic pieces. I am a wild one by heart so give me adventure, i.e.skydiving, and I will be happy. I enjoy travelling and wish to be able to do more of that.
YV: What is the craziest thing a fan has done for you or to you?
Phemelo Kabini: Hehehehe… I didn’t know I had fans?!
But one person on facebook once sreengrabbed my picture and created a pic mix with herself and I with the Caption “My future husband”… lol I thought that was sweet.
YV: Who is your local celebrity crush?
Phemelo Kabini: LOL, such questions can get one into trouble hey. But I must admit that Nandi Mngoma is too gorgeous.
YV: Your house is burning what are the first 5 things you grab?
Phemelo Kabini: ID, IPOD, Shades, Cell Phone, Bag pack (It always has my‘essentials’)
YV: What words does Phemelo live by?
Phemelo Kabini: ‘Rome was not built in a day! So work hard, play hard and always understand that everything happens for a reason’
YV: If granted the chance to have lunch with a great icon, who would it be and why?
Phemelo Kabini: I would love to have lunch with the late Steve Jobs, it would be interesting to understand his thought process about business and life in a relaxed environment.
YV: If Phemelo was turned into an acronym what words would you use to describe yourself?
Music lover
YV: Any advice for the youth of South Africa?
Phemelo Kabini: Believe in yourself, work hard and always know that you were created to fulfill a purpose in this borrowed life. Don’t forget to smile – life is too short to be miserable.
YV: How can your fans reach you?
Phemelo Kabini: They can follow me on Twitter and Instagram @Phemelo_K or find me on Facebook @ Phemelo Kabini