Interview With Craze’s Mpho Sebeng

The faces of Craze seem so crazy when you watch them on screen. It’s great to know the hopes and dreams of rising stars and the young talent of South Africa. We had a young sit down with Actor and TV personality Mpho Sebeng of Etv’s Craze.
Read…Learn and most of all enjoy!
YV: Who is Mpho Sebeng off camera?
Mpho Sebeng : Student, aspiring writer, dreamer, visionary and simply the artistic mayor of a brand.
YV: Describe some of the challenges you had to face before making it into the industry.
Mpho Sebeng : The struggle was not for me to make it in the industry however to be able to practice my craft well.
YV: If it wasn’t for the media space what other career would you have ventured out into?
Mpho Sebeng: Definitely Business, Law and Politics. I am interested in those three fields.
YV: What inspired you to steer into the direction of media?
Mpho Sebeng: It felt like a calling and it was something that I wanted to do. I grew up watching the likes of Velaphi and Denzel Washington and I saw myself doing the same things I was interested in telling African stories and felt that not much was being told. Seeing the media industry developing into mainstream such as Hollywood.
YV: What are some of the greatest lessons you’ve learnt from other personalities in the industry?
Mpho Sebeng: Keep your close friends close. They are loyal and they know you before fame and also simply own the space that you are I whether as a presenter, dancer or even actor.
YV: Your favorite performer you’ve had on Shiz Niz thus far and why?
Mpho Sebeng: Tumi from the Volume, Pro verb, SkwattaKamp and D Skwwab (they are growing), I grew up looking at these people and they introduced me to hip pop and they have not changed their styled. They have evolved but not yet changed their style.
YV: Why should one watch Craze-World Live or ShizNiz over every other show?
Mpho Sebeng: We have a group of fresh bunch of presenters, they are authentic and every one brings their different personalities which every single person can relate to each person whether you from the suburbs, loksion (location) or even rurals and also we have great content.
YV: Between acting and presenting which one do you enjoy most?
Mpho Sebeng: Acting, it is my claim to the industry.
YV: Describe the transition of moving from acting in Soul Buddyz to acting in Winnie and now Saints and Sinners?
Mpho Sebeng: All of these character are rebels and so their charaxcters could relate to each other and that’s why it has not been very difficult into Nkosi from my character from Winnie.
YV: What was your reaction when you got the call to act in Winnie?
Mpho Sebeng: Estactic, it came at the right time as I was in high school and I was still learning about apartheid.
YV: The best part about being a part of the cast was?
Mpho Sebeng: Being able to practice my craft, getting an opportunity to act alongside one of my favorite actors Terrence and Jennifer wanting my autograph was memorable. It was such a humbling experience.
YV: Which character do you enjoy playing most and why?
Mpho Sebeng: Nkosi on Saints and Sinner. I saw the growth in the character and the way I was blessed with the role. I believe I was given to it by my almighty God as I did not audition. Telling the story of something that is currently happening and girl’s needs to be aware of such guys out there.
YV: Describe your “See Mama, I made it!” moment.
Mpho Sebeng: Yet to come, I will feel it once I have accomplished all my dreams. Also once the industry has truly grown to its highest peak.
YV: What is the craziest thing a fan has done for you or to you?
Mpho Sebeng: Jumped on stage and slapped me on my chest. It was on a tour and she told me that she loved and hate me at the same time.
YV: Who is your local celebrity crush?
Mpho Sebeng: Nandi Mngoma & Boity, they are gorgeous.
YV: Your house is burning what are the first 5 things you grab?
Mpho Sebeng: Laptop, photos, clothes (whatever I can get my hands on), philosophy books &(bible) and my camera
YV: What words does Mpho live by?
Mpho Sebeng: Unlearn your fears.
YV: If granted the chance to have lunch with a great icon, who would it be and why?
Mpho Sebeng: Steven Bantu Biko, we would speak about the past and present. I would be interested to know how he came about the black conscious philosophy. I would ask him if black people are where they should be right now.
YV: If Mpho was turned into an acronym what words would you use to describe yourself?
M- Magnetic
An outcast that attracts, with a humble attack that nobody saw coming.
YV: Any advice for the youth of South Africa?
Mpho Sebeng: Done be afraid to be who you are and always chase your dreams. Educate yourself in whatever you do.
YV: How can your fans reach you?
Mpho Sebeng: On social media-
twitter @yoboiluse-