Top 20 Inspirational Youth In South Africa 2015 Part3

11. Ezlyn Barends
Ezlyn Barends is the Founder, Dreamgirls. She established the Dad Fund, a non-profit organisation that aims to promote the holistic development of South Africa’s future leaders. Through the Dad Fund, Ezlyn created the DreamGirls International Outreach and Mentoring Programme in South Africa.
12. Tiyani Nghonyama
Tiyani Nghonyama publicly known as “Tiyani from Giyani” is the COO and CTO at Geekulcha, a movement for ICT students. He is a graduate from the Tshwane University of Technology in Computer Systems Engineering. Electronics is his passion and enjoys building systems that make the world a better place.
13. Tshepang Mokgatla
Tshepang is a dynamic and upbeat entrepreneur, author, life coach and optimistic leader, Activator Tshepang Mokgatla. Mokgatla, 28, born in Meadowlands currently resides in Braamfontein, Johannesburg.
14. Mongezi Malgas
Mongezi is an entrepreneur, Founder of OLIV Channel. OLIV channel is a fast growing advertising and marketing platform in South Africa which focuses on Product Marketing, Advertising and Publishing.
15. Samantha “Qaqamba” Beynon
You definitely know Samantha Beynon from the SABC’s One Day Leader 3, which recognized young South African future leaders. She is a leader, a youth activist and a social activist who is passionate about helping any South African realize and maximize his or her own potential, for a better life.
Click Here For Part4 Of Top 20 Inspirational Youth In South Africa 2015