
Top 10 Gifts To Get Your Boyfriend

Some “special” occasion is coming, and you are out of ideas of what to gift your man? Be it birthdays, anniversaries or Valentine’s Day, what to gift your partner always remains a big question and you really want to do it right. And when it’s about boyfriends, the situation becomes all the more tricky. You can’t gift him a similar make up kit or a cocktail dress that you gifted your best friend right? But we do want to do something special for them, just not sure how to do it. So here I’m, to help you in giving your prince charming his deserved share of happiness with super innovative and some simply amazing ideas that are not going to look too plain or way overdone. You can pick up a romantic gift or a present that will be utterly useful for him and these can make him go awww or are going to set him in a mood for a very romantic celebration. Checkout these 10 amazing boyfriend materials and suit yourself!

10. Frame a Picture or Two

picture frame

Gift your boyfriend something that can be on his wall every day and it will keep reminding him of you and the love you bestow upon him. If it’s his birthday then get his favourite picture of himself framed in a nice classy wooden or metallic frame and put it on his bedroom wall when he is not home so that when he shows up he’ll be in for a nice surprise. Or if you are thinking about a romantic occasion then select a picture of both of you together or make a collage of many such pictures and get it framed. It seems like a pretty simple trick, but it works wonders in winning over your boyfriend and will surely please him on the special day.


9. Get it customised

get personal

How about getting your boyfriend something personalised just for himself? You must have seen tee shirts printed with school names or team names, but you will be amazed to see the number of options you get now in customized products. These days, you can easily find a store that offers you such stuff like pens, card holders, mugs, bags, wall clocks, iPhone covers and so much more. Gifting market is growing big, and customized things are the new IT thing today. You can get a picture done or his name, a favourite quote or anything you can think of. Or one can also go in for couple tees and flaunt them whenever you are out on a date! Let the world know of your love!

8. Love Pillows

love pillows

These are so damn romantic and very appropriate to gift your boyfriend. Whenever your guy misses you, he can just hold up the pillow, hug it and cuddle with it and all it’s going to remind him is the awesome girlfriend he has got. Yes, you! You can get conventional heart shaped pillows or choose from plenty other options available out there and gift it to your boyfriend to make him feel loved 24*7.

7. Sport Jersey

sharks jersey

Most of our men are sports lovers or in some instances sportsmen. There’s nothing that a guy loves more than a jersey from his favourite football club or rugby team. They cherish their sports memorabilia most only to show off to their friends that don’t have the latest Chelsea jersey. Get him this and he’ll love you long time.

6. Grooming Kit

 grooming kit

Think for a while how would you feel if you got a hair styling kit from your boyfriend. Amazing isn’t it? So why not gift him a grooming kit or a shaving kit which can consist of all the products needed for his daily grooming regime. Moreover,most of the men lack the much required knowledge in the area of grooming. He could possibly bathe from a soap for a month without even noticing how it smells. He can put on whatever deodorant he can find at the counter and live without shaving for weeks. So in such a situation if you, the girlfriend, take the charge of keeping him well groomed and handsome then it is going to become so much easier for your boyfriend. Moreover now that he looks all the more presentable, you can flaunt him even more in front of your girlfriends. Come on, you want that, don’t you?

5. Gaming Action

Bale is on the FIFA 14 cover in the UK. (©EASports)

Gaming comes as naturally to men as shopping and dressing up comes to women. If usually you keep cribbing over him for not spending much time with you instead devoting most of his time to video games then this is a perfect gift to set him for a surprise and make up for all the hard time you have given him by throwing of his gaming remote. Buy the latest version of the new hot game in the market that he is been meaning to buy from last few months and your guy would be having no idea how to react at this unexpected present.

4. Cuff links


Suits have always been classy, and we owe it to Barney Stinson or Neil Patrick Harris, who brought this man’s outfit very much in style with his very famous phrase “Suit Up”. But when you are doing it, you got to do it right. And how can you forget cuff links while talking about suits. So gift your guy a very elegant and posh set of cuff links that he can wear for an official meeting or rock his friend’s bachelor’s in. One can even get the cuff links customized with his boyfriend’s name over it that will make it look even more special.

3. Sexy Ashtray


You are bound to get mad when your man smokes up a cigarette and leaves your kitchen counter or the living room table full of ash. And when you ask him to not do that he nags off by saying he can’t help it as he is too habitual of it. So get him an ashtray that he would really want to use. From funny to quirky, sexy to naughty, there are a bundle of options available that you can toggle from. Also,this will not be a gift that will keep lying in his showcase or the bedside table but he is actually going to use this and it will serve the purpose well.

2. Naughty Dice Set

sexy dice

This will make quite a nasty gift. And it may excite your boyfriend way beyond your imagination. I found this set of two wooden finish dices at an online store dealing in gifting products. One dice tells you what to do while the other tell you what to do it with. I also found one illustrating different positions on each of its face. You can also search it up on the internet or get it from a nearby shop and put an end to all the sweet mushy gifts both of you have been giving each other since too long.

1. Extra personal stuff – Underwear and socks


Men are said to buy cars and houses more frequently then they go buying underwear and socks. They can practically live in the same pair of socks or underwear for a week and they may care about it, or not but you surely do. And telling your guy to go buy new ones won’t work, at least not till the time all his toes start poking holes in his socks. So by actually gifting your man a new set of underwear and socks you are gifting yourself some freshness that was much needed.

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