10 Signs You’re Living Life To The Fullest!

Are you living life to the fullest? If you had to name one person in your life who lives their life to the fullest, who would it be? Did anyone immediately pop into your mind? We always say we’re living life to the fullest, but are we? Here are 10 signs that you are living life to its full potential.
1. You currently have something fun on your calendar this month (and next month too).
2. You’re working on a goal that gets you excited when you tell other people about it.
3. You do not hold any grudges.
4. You don’t just live for the weekends. You think weekdays are enjoyable too!
5. You are proud to say you make time for quality AND quantity time with those you love.
6. You’ve fallen in love and out of love.
7. You’ve watched all the films that people keep saying are classics.