10 Unknown Facts About South Africa

Besides the common things that South Africa is known for, there are other facts that are not in the open regarding our country. These facts are good to know because they make one take note of things that are often over look and over shadowed by “bigger” and more “important” facts such as our heritage and history. This list uncovers 10 facts about South Africa that are unknown to the everyday person.
The world’s largest diamond was the Cullinan, found in South Africa in 1905. It weighed 3,106.75 carats uncut. It was cut into the Great Star of Africa, weighing 530.2 carats, the Lesser Star of Africa, which weighs 317.40 carats, and 104 other diamonds of nearly flawless colour and clarity. They now form part of the British crown jewels.
2. Nobel Street
South Africa is the only country in the world to have two nobel peace prize winners who had houses on the same street. The street in question is Vilakazi Street in Soweto, the Nobel Prize winners being Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
3. Best drink drinking water in the world
Very few countries provide quality safe drinking water in taps. South Africa ranks third in drinking water quality supply through taps.
4. Platinum Control
South Africa supplies 80% of the World’s platinum. The metal is the costliest and jewellery made from it is considered elite. Since the country is the major producer, it controls the price of platinum worldwide.
5. Fruit
South Africa is the second largest exporter of fruit in the world.
6. Meteor
South Africa has the oldest meteor scar in the world. The meteor plummeted to Earth nearly two billion years ago, predating the heady days of oxygen and multi-celled life. The Vredefort Dome was recently declared a World Heritage Site.
7. Heart Transplant
Dr. Christiaan Barnard, at Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, performed the first human heart transplant in the world in 1967. He was also the first to do a “piggyback” transplant in 1971, and the first to do a heart-lung transplant.
8. Immigrants
About one-third of the population of South Africa has illegal immigrant status – they’re mostly from other African states.
9. South Africa is home to:
• The largest bird – ostrich
• The largest land mammal – elephant
• The tallest creature – giraffe
• The largest reptile – leatherback turtle
• The largest fish – whale shark
• The heaviest flying bird – khori bustard
• The largest antelope – eland
• The fastest land mammal – cheetah
• The smallest mammal – least dwarf shrew
• Four of the five fastest land animals live in South Africa – the cheetah, wildebeest, lion, and Thomson’s gazelle.
10. Monkey Steak
South Africa is the only country in the world where you can order something called monkey gland steak at a restaurant without the risk of a real internal organ being placed before you. It was invented many decades ago by overseas chefs as a pointed insult, aimed at the brash inhabitants of Johannesburg who poured Worcestershire and tomato sauce over everything.