10 Things You Should Be Doing In Place Of Generations

You’re probably bummed out and a little irritated now that Generations won’t be playing anymore for two months and are a bit clueless of what you’ll be doing during those oh-so-valuable 30 minutes of your life! Well, don’t fret, we’ve done the job for you with a list of 10 things you should be doing now that your life is facing a potential standstill. Check it out and you’ll probably like it so much even when Generations does come back you might still continue with it!
1. Family Time
When was the last time you spoke to your mother, your sister, or your grandmother? You know how delighted they would be to talk to you for longer than ten minutes on your drive home. Why not spend the 30 minutes chatting with them, rather than watching another re-run of Grey’s Anatomy?
2. Time For Homework And Assignment
Yes… for all students who complain that they can’t get their homework done because they have extra murals in the afternoon and then have their “fix” of TV in the evening. You can now do your stuff, well because now there’s nothing (good) playing on SABC… that’s if you aren’t keen on news and Skeem Saam. (But I bet they’ll still find something else to do.)
3. Read A Book
Yes, replace the television set for 30 odd minutes every day with reading a good book and I’m pretty sure there are more than enough books with as much or even way more drama than what Generations provided!
4. Watch Skeem Saam
which will be playing in the time-slot which housed generations.
5. Exercise
You can use this time to exercise, get a little Tai-bo or Pilates in there, because I know for a fact that time is often used as an excuse not to exercise, but now you have 30 good minutes. Go for it!
6. Flip Through A Photo Album
There is probably a giant shoebox filled with loose photos underneath your bed or tucked into a closet somewhere. Why not put them in some kind of order, and load them into a photo album? You’ll be amazed at what you might find (embarrassing photos of your brothers!) and what you might feel obligated to scan and post on Facebook…
7. Puzzles And Board Games
When I was little, my mom would buy a new jigsaw puzzle or board game every couple of weeks and the entire family would put them together after dinner. It was a great way to bond, since all we did was talk. It also helped all of us with our brain function and memory, and to this day, I miss the tradition. And you probably have them stashed in a cupboard somewhere so take them out and out them to good use.
8. Do A Crossword
Have you ever tried to do the Daily Sun crossword puzzle? On Monday, it’s pretty easy, but it gets progressively more difficult as the week wears on, and by Sunday, I’m usually stumped by almost all of the clues. Instead of watching TV, grab a pencil (not a pen!) and give it a go!
9. Take A 30 Minute Bath
We’re often too occupied to take a long relaxing bath which is much needed especially to unwind during the week. Take this chance for “me time”.
10. Flip Through A Cookbook
You probably have an entire shelf of cookbooks, sitting there on the bookshelf, collecting dust. Take some time to peruse a cookbook and see if anything piques your interest. If so, tie on an apron and give it a try!