
10 Life Lessons From Intersexions

Intersexions is a South African television drama series featuring independent but interrelated stand-alone episodes that follow the AIDS infection chain. The series focused on issues relating to love, sex and relationships and how our lives intersect in ways we do not even know about; that the moment people become sexually active, they become part of a sexual network of people who are related even though they may be complete strangers.


1. Communication is Key

One the key features of a functional relationship is communication. Though the phrase is common and cliché, it has a lot of truth to it because a relationship without communication isn’t functional. In the same light as Intersexions is about relationships and with each episode we see the need to keep and maintain open communication. This however goes beyond communication in romantic relationships. Families need to be open about sexual relations because as we all now, if you don’t teach your child, the world will teach them and you have no control of what they get taught outside of your watch.


 2. Not all homosexuals are unhappy

The issue of homosexuality is one that South Africa is not very comfortable with. Yes we all know a person who is homosexual but we are not all open to it, hence even discussing it is uncomfortable for others if allowed at all. The general perception that all homosexuals are unhappy and live in fear is not entirely true. In their own communities which at times consist of just their friends or family, they are accepted and loved beyond their sexuality. However it is very rare that we find a happy ending to a homosexual story. The fear that we commonly see on television is what causes some people who are not yet out of the closet to live in fear not because they’ve experienced the prejudice and hate but because its what they expect because of the social conditioning by the media.

3. Love alone is not enough

As much as no on one wants to grow old and die alone, we cannot not mainly live for love. Love does not feed you; it does not put clothes on your back and will not provide that roof over your head. Love coupled with other factors such as financial security, health and others is what makes life seem complete. Therefore striking a balance is key. Find love, establish and work towards a financially stable future and maintain good health.


4. Regular check ups

Not everyone has an unfaithful partner. Some people remain faithful to their partners till death. However, just because they’ve never been unfaithful doesn’t mean that their previous partners were faithful. It is therefore important that a person goes for regular tests to constantly be aware of their status and to maintain it.

5. Set Priorities for your life

It’s much easier to spend money you haven’t worked for other than spending hard earned cash. As with the theme of sugar daddies in the series, tertiary students have taken to developing relationships with sugar daddies in order to maintain comfortable lives as they study. A person with their priorities set right would rather focus on obtaining the education they came to get at varsity other that focusing on being comfortable while working towards an education because the comfort they seek always comes at a price. There’s nothing wrong with loving money but set standards and goals on how to work your way to it – preferably with your dignity intact.

6. Society needs to be educated

Pamphlets and TV promos about HIV and Aids are practically in your face everywhere you go but how many of us actually pay attention to the ads on TV or actually read the pamphlets?! Continuous education on the HIV and Aids, Sexually transmitted and other health issues. Most of us are quite ignorant when it comes to how our bodies work and react to certain things. The general perception is that is its mostly people from rural areas who need to be educated but truth is there is no ultimate stage of learning when it comes to health.

7. Infected or affected

With the existence of HIV and Aids we are all infected or affected. We all know a person whether be it family or a neighbour. Families led by children are a result of the effects of the virus, the children that are left without parents may not be infected but the effects of the decease have altered their lives forever. As the tag line of the series; “Our lives intersect in mysterious ways.” This phrase is not only applicable in sexual terms.

8. Perceptions and of people do not confirm their stats

The good thing about Intersexions is that it explores all kinds of people. Society mostly attaches perceptions of who we think people are because of their social status. What we mostly over look however is the fact that tags and titles are just words, behind that there is a person just like any other person with faults and a mind that wonders form time to time.

9. Aids has no age

The general perception used to be that young people are the ones who are immoral and get sexually transmitted diseases. On the contrary, one does not to be immoral or even unfaithful to contract HIV. All it takes is sleeping with the wrong person without taking the necessary measures. Age has nothing to do with it.


10. Not everyone shares the same morals

Society is quick to place judgement on people based on their own beliefs. We however weren’t all raised with the same morals and values. Even if we were, there is never a guarantee that a person will grow up with those morals. What you consider to unacceptable is perfectly fine with the other person because they can live with it.

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