Ink Master

What Does a Tattoo Artist Do?
A tattoo artist is a professional that applies tattoos. These individuals will typically create tattoos based on what each individual client wants. Some tattoo artists might also perform other forms of body modification, such as piercings or brandings. One of the major aspects of a tattoo artist’s job is safety and sterilisation. Because so many dangerous pathogens and diseases can easily be transferred through blood and bodily fluids, a tattoo artist must take precautions to prevent this. These precautions may include discarding tattooing needles after each client, and sterilizing other hard to replace equipment, like tattoo guns. While most tattoo artists will usually have hundreds or sometimes thousands of existing images for clients to choose from, most will also create custom tattoos for clients that request them. A client may provide a picture for the artist to recreate, or they may just provide a specific idea for the artist to use.
Once a design has been chosen, a tattoo artist will usually transfer the basic outline of the tattoo onto the client’s skin. From there, the artist can then begin the tattooing process. First, a tattoo artist will usually start with an outline of the tattoo. He will then fill in the rest of the tattoo using different colours and shading techniques. Depending on the look he wants to create, a tattoo artist will usually use a several different types of tattoo needles. After a tattoo has been applied, a tattoo artist will also educate his client on proper tattoo aftercare. Generally, tattoos should be kept clean in order to avoid infection and speed up the healing process. Some tattoo artists might also recommend a special salve or ointment to apply to the fresh tattoo as well. These serve to keep dirt and debris away from the tattoo and keep it moisturised. Most tattoo salves also contain antibiotics, which can help prevent infection and scarring. Tattoo artists must be careful which salve or ointment they recommend, however, since some of these can react negatively with certain inks used to create tattoos.
What is the Average Salary of a Tattoo Artist?
This salary is not a constant, and it can vary depending on a tattoo artist’s skill and location, among other things.
What are the Education Requirements for a Career in Tattooing?
Individuals interested in a tattooing career should be very skilled artists and drawers. To fine tune these skills, some aspiring tattoo artists may choose to take drawing classes at an art school, although this is not absolutely necessary. In most areas, individuals must first complete a tattooing apprenticeship before they can begin their tattooing career. These apprenticeships usually require aspiring tattoo artists to work alongside established tattoo artists. At the beginning of a tattooing apprenticeship, an aspiring tattoo artist will often find himself sterilizing equipment and practicing his drawing skills, and he may help create or modify tattoo art. Before he can begin tattooing clients, however, he will usually need to practice using a tattoo gun on inanimate objects, like fruit rinds and leather. Once a master tattoo artist is confident that the budding artist can successfully and safely use the tattooing equipment, he will then begin to apply tattoos to real live individuals. Since safety and cleanliness is such an important issue in tattooing, aspiring tattoo artists will also need to learn all of the different sterilization techniques necessary for this career. In most areas, an individual must be certified by the Health Department before he can start his tattooing career.
Where can a Tattoo Artist Find Work?
New tattoo artists may want to work in an existing tattoo or body modification studio at first. This type of employment will allow them to gain experience and earn money. After a while, though, many tattoo artists choose to start their own tattooing studios. Before they can open shop, however, these studios must first be examined by the Health Department to ensure that they abide by all of the rules and regulations that must be followed before a person can begin their tattooing career.