
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Beatenberg


  1. The group consists of Matthew Field: (guitarist) and vocals Ross Dorkin: (bass) Robin Brink: (drums)
  2. They Love to perform and party Johannesburg
  3. Pluto broke the record for the most plays over a seven-day period in Media Guide and has enjoyed the longest stay in the No 1 position compared to any South African single
  4. The various videos for Pluto have had more than 400 000 hits on YouTube
  5. They describe the main difference between a Gauteng audience vs a Cape Town audience is that the one audience is at sea level and the other is at about 1600m above sea level
  6. Some of their performing highlights include opening for the “The Tallest Man On Earth” and for “Bastille”
  7. They’re influenced by jazz, classical and world music, as well as artists, writers and poets, and would love to collaborate with local producer and DJ Black Coffee, and Korean singer Psy
  8. Their song “Chelsea Blakemore” is about Ross’s ex-girlfriend is Chelsea Blakemore, a girl who now lives in London. Matt wrote the song as a playful tribute to their romance
  9. They got the inspiration for their band name when Mathew saw a sketch of the Swiss town Beatenberg in a book of lectures on modern art by the Swiss-German expressionist Paul Klee
  10. The song “Rafael” refers to both Rafael Nadal the athlete and Raphael the renaissance artist

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