Not every one has the liberty to smoothy transition form high school to university. Funds are one of the main reasons people don’t progress on to higher education after obtaining their Matric qualification. Amongst other options, getting a scholarship of bursary could be the answer to the financial problem. Below is a list of institutions where you could potentially find a scholarship or bursary.
1. Career Wise
We specialize in the management of bursary and scholarship programmes. We are an independent, owner managed organisation based in Johannesburg but with a national footprint. Our client base includes corporate organisations, SETAs as well as private trusts and foundations. We offer students a range of potential funding and work opportunities. We offer clients a range of services in programme recruitment, liaison, development and administration.
2. Studietrust
Studietrust is an independent national bursary organisation based on Christian principles. Its business is to raise funds with the support of the private sector, individual donors, organisations, trusts and churches to grant financial assistance (bursaries and loans) to carefully selected, deserving young people to give motivational guidance and support to students towards fulfilling their potential and for the benefit of South Africa.
3. Dad Fund
The Dad Foundation is a non-profit organization that strives to shape the future of young leaders in South Africa. Our aim is to nurture the potential of young people by providing them with opportunities to soar. The Dad Fund team, themselves have been able to overcome the challenges of living in disadvantaged circumstances With the help of wonderful and inspiring individuals we are committed to continuing this legacy and paying forward the opportunities we were so fortunate to get. At the Dad Fund we take a holistic approach to youth development, delivering projects that focus on the head, hand and heart.
4. Vodacom
Vodacom is committed to addressing the ICT skills shortage in South Africa. To address this need, we provide fifty students with bursaries annually to study in fields in which there are skills shortages. Top-achieving students from disadvantaged communities are chosen to study in the ICT and engineering sectors.
Applicants can apply for a Vodacom Foundation Bursary if they intend to gain a qualification in one of the following fields of study:
Engineering and Operations
• Electrical or Electronic Engineering (Light Current only);
• University of technology Diplomas and Degrees in similar areas of study
Information Technology
• BSc Computer Science;
• BSc Computer Engineering; or
• Information Systems
• University of technology Diplomas and Degrees in similar areas of study
SACTWU manages South Africa ‘s biggest trade union bursary fund. The scheme offers members and their dependents financial support to study at universities, technikons and certain other higher education institutions. The fund was started in 1975 with a small solidarity contribution by trade union members to help support each other to meet the education expenditure of their children.
Today the fund is made up of contributions from workers and companies and through funds generated by SACTWU’s investment company. Since the beginning, millions of rands have been paid out in bursaries to thousands of young South Africans whose parents work in the clothing, textile, leather and related industries.
6. Be More – Shoprite
Shoprite offers bursaries for students to study for B. Pharm, Retail Management and B.Compt/B.Acc qualifications. They also consider bursaries in other retail-related qualifications such as B. Com Logistics, BSc Computer Science, B. Eng etc.
7. Anglo American
The Anglo American platinum, iron ore and thermal coal businesses run programmes and schemes for graduates and students entering the world of mining which are tailored to meet the unique requirements of that business. Bursaries are awarded to students that have achieved academic excellence and demonstrate leadership qualities. These cover the cost of tuition at approved universities, accommodation and books, while a small spending allowance is also awarded on merit. School leavers or students who have progressed in their studies are able to apply.
8. Sappi
Sappi offers three types of study support:
Full Sponsorship-
Sappi offers full financial sponsorship to selected individuals. These individuals need to apply formally to the HR-department for a bursary wherefrom, based on academic and phsycometric testing results, individuals would be selected and fully supported with all study related costs.
Academic selection criteria:
Maths 65% & Science 65%
Partial Sponsorship-
Sappi also extends support to eager forestry students by supplying an incremental sponsorship which increases as you succeed from year to year. The sponsorship will aid students in covering the cost of text books and partially tutorial costs.
Practical experience and work-
Sappi offers opportunities to students to get hands-on job experience. Students come to the farms and experience forestry while being reimbursed for their work. This is the ideal opportunity for students to cement their place in the ranks of Sappi Forestry after completing their studies.
9. The National Research Foundation (NRF)
The mandate of the NRF is to promote and support research through funding, human resource development and the provision of the necessary research facilities in order to facilitate the creation of knowledge, innovation and development in all fields of science and technology, including indigenous knowledge, and thereby contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of all South Africans.
10. Foundation for Professional Development (FPD)
During 2013, FPD continued to support efforts to promote access to education through securing educational grants from sponsors and donors for all potential FPD students. The funding from grants and sponsorships are utilised in the form of a subsidy to enrol potential students. This reduces cost as a barrier to education. During 2013, educational grants and sponsorships to the value of R 91 million were awarded to FPD students. R 16,5 million of this was provided outside of South Africa to Southern and Eastern African citizens in line with FPD’s goal of establishing a regional presence. The total monetary value of scholarships awarded since 1998 is R390 million.