Thuli Madonsela- Wrecking Ball

From public protector to Youtube popstar. Regardless of how serious the matters addressed by Madonsela are, sometimes humour puts the tension on steady ground.
We found a rather humourous video of our public protector protecting herself from words and allegations being thrown her way.
Of course our great President Zuma, Helen and Julius Malema will be mentioned in the song. Without them we don’t have the complete top 3 of politics.
After allegations flying around in media that Madonsela basically leaked her letter to the EFF before it could make its way to the president. These allegations came after EFF posed a question to the president to give a date of when he will be paying back the money that he has misused for personal upgrades in his Nkandla home.We only have these allegations because EFF only posed this question in parliament on the very same day that Madonsela’s letter was supposedly leaked.
Puppet Nation ZA “speaks up” for the public protector in the following video, enjoy…
The video starts with a close-up of the puppet Madonsela, tears running down her face.
“I thought I wrote a good report, I did my job. I had to try to think objectively, I thought the facts, no one could deny,” she sings.
“Don’t ever say I support DA, I respected you. I can’t tell a lie and say it’s fine to have a kraal and a chicken run too.”
Madonsela, armed with a sledge hammer, sings about how she “came in like a wrecking ball, causing problems for the ANC”.
As she walks away with a wrecking ball crashing into a wall behind her she laments how she tried to protect everyone, but that everyone hated her.
“I thought you would appreciate how fair and balanced I had been. It just isn’t true, that I do what I do for Helen or Juju,” Madonsela sings as she sits on top of the swinging wrecking ball.
Honestly I can’t begin to imagine Madonsela swinging on a wrecking ball and singing her heart out with tears in her eyes. Political Humour stays wining.