10 Fundraising Tips
Most things in the world have to do with money. It might not be all, but the most important causes such as raising funds for a cause require a lot of money. The problem though is that you cannot go to every single person you know asking them for money. Here are some tips on how you can raise funds effectively.
1. Create an online page
Most social networks such as Facebook have an application where you can create a page. Get as many people to like that page. By doing this you will be creating awareness for your cause and it won’t have to cost you anything.
2. Homer someone
Encourage a cancer survivor to walk or participate on your team. Let everyone know your team is walking in his or her honour. A real-life story makes your fundraising personal.
3. Fundraise as a team
Teams can have a lot of fun organizing activities and events to raise money for the American Cancer Society. There are many team fundraising ideas, but we’ve found that fundraising activities that provide a service that people would already spend money on are most successful. For example, teams could offer baby-sitting or host movie nights, garage sales, spaghetti dinners, or car washes – the sky is the limit!
4. Local/Community Newspaper
Write to your local newspaper in the form of a press release. Tell your story, why you wanted to get involved, what you are in training for. Just remember to include your fundraising page link so you can receive donations!
5. Create a Flyer
You can use the same information as you have used for the email updates and simply print and stick them around your local area.
6. Donations instead of Gifts
This is a great one, and it is very easy to do. On your birthday party invitation (for example) just simply state, “no presents please donate to my chosen charity” .
7. Get volunteers
Volunteers are your support staff, so use them well! Divide up the responsibilities (responsibilities will depend on the type of campaign you’re running, so speak with your consultant for this step), and delegate to the people you feel are best suited to each role. If everyone knows his or her role beforehand, fundraising will go smoothly!
8. Organize an event
Not a marathon runner? That’s no reason to shy away from physical feats as potential ways to raise money. Physical challenges are a great way to rally donors behind your cause, and can work for you no matter your level of physical fitness.
9. Tap into your networks
Set up a donation jar at work and ask your co-workers to put a dollar in every time they swear or make a list of all the different social groups you’re part of, both online and off; church groups, co-workers, classmates, etc. Sometimes support can come from unexpected places.
10. Always say thank you
When it comes to fundraising, how you say “thank you” is as important as how you say “please”. Always follow up your fundraising campaign with a letter of thanks: it not only demonstrates your sincere appreciation, but gives your supporters the satisfaction and sense of reward they deserve for getting involved and backing your cause. Here are some tips on how to write an absolutely awesome thank you email.