
Top 10 Ways To Break Up With A Person

To stay in a relationship that you clearly see is not working is just hurting one’s self. Yet again leading the other person on, when there is really nothing wrong is just wrong. It will be wise to send the message across so both of you can move on and maybe find your soul mates in your next relationships. There ways of doing that. The following are top ways to break up with someone.

1) Do it over the phone Old Phone Isolated

You can call the person and let them know that you no longer want to continue with the relationship. Try and explain your side of the story, depending on whether the person will give you a chance to. In the process expect the person to drop or cut the call.

2) Text them


You can send them an sms letting them know on the decision you have made. Don’t expect a response though. But expect disturbing an sms.

3) Change your facebook status to single


If you suddenly change your relationship status from in a relationship to single, that person will definitely see it. Expect a call from them to explain yourself.

4) Tweet on twitter about how single you are


Sudden tweets of you being single will get the message across. Chances are the person will send you angry messages or call you.

5) Send a please call its over

please call

That should get the person’s attention. He/she might not respond immediately, but should they decide to then you have a chance to explain yourself. This will be one nasty breakup though, because to the other person it will be unforgettable.

6) Stop answering their calls and messages

avoiding the phone

This sends a message that you do not want any contact or communication from that person. This is an indication to that you no longer value the person.

7) Unfriend him/her via all social networks


The person will ask himself/herself why or will just get the message. Expect him/her to try make contact in other ways to find out what is really happening.

8) Tell a friend of theirs that is over between the two

tell a friend

If you tell his/her person that friend is probably going to meet them and play sympathy. The person will get angry and probably want nothing to do with you.

9) Meet the person face to face

face to face

This one takes guts and courage. You call up the person to meet someone, when you get there you tell them what is the purpose of you meeting them there. It can get pretty ugly, depending on what type of person you are dating and how he/she reacts to things. Expect emotional break downs especially in public places.

10) Tell them you went back to your ex


This always does the trick. The person just gets angry and will ask questions on whether they are not good enough. Your defense will just be you are still inlove with your ex.

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