Top 10 Things To Never Do On Facebook When You’re In A Relationship

A happy and healthy relationship is based around a few rules, yes your Facebook account is your account we know that but now you’re in a relationship; you’re a part of something that represents you and your partner.
Here are the top10 things to never do on Facebook if you are in a relationship:
Hide things from your spouse or significant other.
If you don’t want your partner seeing who you’re chatting with online, that’s not a good sign. Facebook should not be a secretive escape from your relationship, your secret escape from Facebook should be your relationship.
Befriend someone of the opposite sex your partner is uncomfortable with.
If your partner is uncomfortable with you “liking” photos of your ex or chatting with your super-flirty co-worker online you should respect your partner’s wishes. Don’t engage in behaviour that will feed insecurities or threaten your partner’s security in the relationship. If you’re not currently Facebook friends with an ex, don’t add him. Especially in a long-term commitment relationship, you should each trust and respect each other enough to let each other veto online friendships with members of the opposite sex you’re not comfortable with.
Keep up old photos of exes.
Even if you never go back and look at old photos, some of your friends might. Respect your new relationship and delete old online mementos of your past relationships. New partner…new memories.
Change your relationship status without talking to your partner.
Relationship statuses should be discussed prior to any online changes. Don’t abuse the status, either. Wait until it’s serious enough that most of your friends already know you’re dating someone awesome enough to update your relationship status for.
Deny the relationship.
If your Facebook page has zero evidence that you’re in a relationship; no pictures, statuses, links that hint that you’re attached and your partner wants to be acknowledged, show him/her that you’re proud to be with them, and simultaneously let your flirtatious Facebook friends know that certain online behaviours are now officially off-limits and unacceptable, by giving an occasional nod to your significant other.
Add his/her friends or family as “friends” before you’ve met them.
This is just creepy. Super creepy, why must you add people you don’t know and that probably don’t even know your last name? If I was them I’d probably reject it.
Complain about your partner or make the fight public.
If you’re in a real relationship, have real conversations, talk about everything and anything to avoid awkward silences. Seek conflict resolution in person; don’t try resolving things online and especially not on their Facebook wall. Don’t use Facebook as a place to vent, be passive-aggressive, or to humiliate your partner. Ever.
Gush too much.
You’re in love. That’s great. But use terms of endearment and “I have the best boyfriend in the world!” statuses in moderation. Don’t alienate your loved ones or incite major eye-rolling every time one checks out your wall by using Facebook strictly as an excuse to brag about your recent endorphin surge.
Post racy pictures.
Don’t upload on-vacation bikini shots. Don’t share photos of your new man “just waking up.” Keep it classy. Respect your partner by not seeking attention from others with sexy poses and provocative statuses.
Have a shared Facebook profile.
Even if you’re married or you think you’ll get married, the whole “2 become 1” thing does not apply to Facebook. An old classmate might want to say hi without wondering which of you he’s talking to.
Keep your profile clean and neat to avoid any conflict with your partner.
Mbali Ntuli