How To Check Your National Student Financial Aid Scheme Application Status

How To Check Your National Student Financial Aid Scheme Application Status. Applications are still open for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. If you have applied but haven’t received a response, here is how to check your status application.
You can do so in the following two easy steps;
Step 1:
- If you would like to check the status of your 2019 NSFAS application, please visit the NSFAS website. Click on MyNSFAS account and login with your ID and the password you created during your application.
Step 2:
- Click on MyNSFAS account and login with your ID and the password you created during your application.
If the status of your application is “Provisionally Funded”, please contact Unisa’s Division: Student Funding (DSF). Please contact NSFAS for all other outcomes, as NSFAS is responsible for the application process.