Diversity Is Strength

Diversity Is Strength
We currently have offices, operations and investments, in the following countries, around the world:
Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Zambia, DRC, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, Nigeria, Mauritius, United Arab Emirates, China, UK, USA, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, New Zealand. Our solar company, which operates from UAE ships products everyday, to more than 20 countries, around the world.
…. And we are growing!
…..glory to God!
The last time, I counted the nationalities, of people working in businesses that we are involved in, it was well over 50; then I stopped counting!
From our humble beginnings in Zimbabwe, nearly 30 years, ago I appreciated that if we were to one day be a national, regional, continental, and finally a global company; we had to embrace diversity. This meant we had to be an employer who could give equal opportunities to people from every tribe, every religion, every race. We had to ensure that women, were able to play an equal role to men.
It has not always been easy, and it is something I try very hard to get across to our executives, as well as to those companies, in which we have investments, every day.
The other day, I heard a report, from one of our operations; that following the promotion of a highly skilled woman to a senior position, a male colleague, had refused to report to her. I instituted an immediate investigation, and upon confirmation of the report, the gentleman was summarily dismissed, by his new boss, on my direction!
You cannot have it both ways:
You cannot say you want to be global, but you do not want to work with white people, or Asians, or black people, or people from another tribe.
You cannot say, you are global but don’t want to hire Muslims. You cannot say, you want to be global, but have a problem with Chinese people.
You read somewhere that a Nigerian was involved in a crime, now you don’t like Nigerians; there is something wrong with you!
Diversity is strength.
It takes nothing away from you, when you accept, and respect the difference of others.
There is nothing more shameful in this world than bigotry, tribalism, racism and sexism.
We are the generation, that must embrace diversity.
If you are running a business, or any type of organisation, and you know that there are people in your country, from other tribes, religions, and races; go out today, and look for them.
Look at your organisation, and if its all men in top positions; change it:
Diversity is strength.