10 Things You Didn’t Know About Naima Kay

1. She’s from Portshepstone
2. Her real name is Lungile Khumalo
3. Her stage name Naima Kay was given to her by Mr Ngcobo, the owner of Touch Africa. Naima means peace and the Kay stands for her surname
4. She was spotted by Mr Ngcobo at Ugu Jazz a festival that happens annually in June at Portshepstone
5. Her album titled umsebenzi is dedicated to her father
6. She gets her daily inspiration and motivation from listening to Zonke’s Music
7. Her bad habit is sleepi8ng because when she’s home it’s all she does
8. She reserved and shy in person
9. She’s been writing music since high school. She used to write music for the school choir
10. She is inspired by Zonke and would like to work with her in future.