
10 Things Not To Say Or Do When Dating Online

Online dating is no longer a shocker. There are people who have found love, meaning it actually does work. You just need to do it right, here’s what not to do:

online dating

1. Don’t lie.

This includes lying about your height, age or weight, people will find out soon enough. In general, don’t portray yourself as someone you’re not.

2. Don’t come across as too desperate.

Yes you’re on a dating site, but that does not mean that your desperate. It’s important to show that you have a life other tan seeking a relationship. Never obsess about it. People are watching you and the desperateness will chase them away.

3. Don’t ramble.

Keep your profile short, to the point and concise. No one wants to read your life story.

4. Don’t give too much personal information .

When sharing information with strangers; don’t give out details that could put you in danger. Don’t give any information that has to do with addresses and personal contacts.

5. Don’t be rude.

It’s a small world. You don’t want to tell a guy to bugger off then meet him 4months later as your potential boss in an interview panel.Always be polite in your rejections and treat people like you would want to be treated.

6. Don’t leave things blank.

If you’re going to fill out a profile, do it right. Don’t make people feel like they need to investigate you to find out the smallest details about you.

7. Don’t complain too much.

In your updates, don’t complain to the extent that people now can predict your updates. Keep your profile upbeat and focused on all the great things you have to offer and are looking for in a new relationship.

8. Don’t jump into conclusions.

Just because a guy has spoken to you a few times doesn’t mean that he wants to marry you. Take things slowly, meet people and take them at face value. Never assume.

9. Don’t use old pictures of yourself.

Chances are, you don’t look the same as you did 3years ago. It could make you look like you lied about your age.

10. Don’t risk your safety.

After a few months of chatting back and forth, you are bound to meet the person. When you do, tell a friend so that should anything go wrong, there will be a person who knows what happened to you.


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