10 Tips To Controlling Impulsive Behaviour

Having an impulsive behavior means you are disconnected to yourself and this makes behave impulsively especially when you are at the peak of an emotional intensity and the insight and regret only kicks in later after the damage is done. The behavior may become automatic or habitual because you have little awareness of what you’re thinking or feeling.
The good thing is you can learn to control or manage your impulsive behavior. Here are some tips that can help you manage and gain better insight on the behavior.
1. Identify your triggers
Identify and brainstorm the behavior and triggers that causes you to act this impulsively. Triggers might be people, places, situations, events or even time. Keep a journal and list your major triggers.
2. Reduce your vulnerabilities
There are many types of vulnerabilities that cause that the behavior; the most basic vulnerability factors are being hungry, angry, lonely or tired. By reminding yourself of these issues you also begin to take steps to decrease or eliminate these vulnerability factors.
3. List the consequences of your behavior
List both the positive consequences that reinforce the behavior as well as the negative consequences of your impulsive behavior.
4. Visualization
Rehearse in your mind what you want to change or how you would want to handle the situation. Imagining using the skill in the setting they will be in with the people they will actually be interacting with will greatly increase the likelihood of their success.
5. Observe others
You can learn a great deal by watching others do what they need to learn to do. You might want to try selecting models both at work and in your personal life to help you grow.
6. Goals
You can start by picking and working on one goal at a time, based on self assessment or the assessments of others. Tackling the skill areas one at a time will allow you to master each skill before taking on another one.
7. Attitude
Have a positive attitude and be open to the growth of your social skills, it also important to be open and appreciative of feedback provided by others.
8. Practice calming strategies
Practicing calming strategies like muscle relaxation, yoga or cardio exercises like jogging. Take a deep breath and listening to yourself without rushing.
9. Make a mental outline of what you want to do
Always make a mental outline on what you want to say or do before you do it. Think about what could happen if you said it.
10. Research before you act
Do a research on a purchase or decision before you act on it. Walk away from something you want to buy on impulse. It will always be there, take time to think if you need it or not.