7 Ways to cope in a long distance relationship

Not being in a long distance relationship would be easier. But what happens when you want to be together and you both feel it’s forth a shot?! Here’s why it’s okay to date long distance and how to cope:
1. Plan ahead to see each other:
The anticipation will give you something to look forward to. Set the date and confirm it by booking the tickets ahead of time to avoid backing out.
Back in the day, 3 generations before ours, keeping in touch was close to impossible with telegram and letters. Today we have so many tools at our disposal that the only reason not to keep in touchis if the person doesn’t want to. In this case Skype is the best tool. Seeing a persons’ face while talking to them makes the distance bearable.
3. Allow room for fights:
Just because you live apart doesn’t mean when you’re together you will have fantasy weekends. Both of you are human and cannot predict when and how a disagreement may start. Be yourself and allow room for imperfections. What matters is that you are together.
We everyone chasing after their career it may be difficult to know when a person is available or not. The last thing you want is to call your guy and he tells you “I’m busy babe, Call me alter.” Bear in mind that he actually could really be busy. Set times for each other to avoid being put on hold and feeling neglected.
5. Plan ahead:
Long distance relationships aren’t supposed to last forever. It’s always wise to look into your future together. Obviously not right away but when both of you feel that you’ve been together long enough to make future plans.
6. Don’t have gaps that are too far apart:
Put effort into seeing each other. Decide together how often you will see each other. Obviously, with the frequent visits to each other, the stronger the bond will grow. The gaps are even likely to grow smaller as you see each other more often.
7. Use the time wisely:
With your partner being away from you, you will have more time on your hands. Use that time to develop yourself, spend it with family or friends. Build other relationships with the people around you.
No, it won’t be easy. Some nights you will come home and want to have pillow talk or just a long hug because your day was just that bad. The key is communication, and communication and more COMMUNICATION.