6 Ways of funding your education
Education is expensive but it’s not impossible to achieve. You just need to look in all the right places. If you do it right, you could end up with a degree that you’ve never paid for. Here are tips on where to look for funding and things that you can do to fund your own studies:
Wait – Take a year off from school and get a full time job so that you can save up for school.
Military – Try joining the army. Everything is paid for including your medical care. It’s like an exchange of education for your service to your country. The more training they give you, the more years you serve in the army. However, this option should not be considered out of desperation. Carefully consider it if knowing that you are willing to serve in the military.
Be Flexible with Your Schedule – Consider taking up a job and studying part time so that you can work and study at the same time. Yes, this might cause your studies to take longer than they should but at least you will be gaining corporate experience and studying towards a qualification. This count a lot when you apply for a job.
Scholarships – Apply for a scholarship. These are not always for people with the best results but people with the best marks are likely to be considered first. Other factors that count are your family background – whether or not your parents can afford to pay for your education.
Apply for funding – Many South African corporate companies are willing to fund students through learnerships and or bursaries. You just have to do a thorough research before approaching them. Good results would be of benefit because they would assure the company that they will not be wasting their money on you.
Public Universities and Colleges – Unisa’s Student Funding Division administers donor funding in the form of bursaries and loans to Unisa students. The criteria for awarding these bursaries and loans are determined by the donors of the funding. In addition, Unisa also assists deserving students in the form of financial assistance, specifically honours students. Click here to see the site
FETs a have many bursary programmes for different cources
Mbali Radebe