10 Signs it won’t work

So you’ve met someone, you find them irresistible and you can now call them your person, but two months down the line the attraction is no longer enough, your headed south and fast. You’re wondering if you should leave but not sure if it’s too soon. Here are a few signs that should shed some light and possibly tell you what do:
- You never get along: It’s okay not to agree with everything a person says or does, but if you disagree on everything then conversation in the relationship is bound to end up in an argument. The element of communication in the relationship will be compromised because none is willing to listen to the other.
- You have incompatible goals: He wants kids and you don’t, you want to get married and he wants to shack up. Goals should be made clear at the beginning of a relationship so that you know you not wasting your time.
- He makes all the big decisions: You’ve been to all his work functions, he picks the time and place to meet and you feel like you’re just tagging along everywhere. This could leave a person feeling like they don’t have a say in the relationship and are being dominated.
- You avoid future plans: We all want to be featured in someone’s future. If your partner does not even include you in his plans for the weekend or in the next year or two, that means there isn’t much of a future for you as a couple, then it’s not worth your time.
- You’re never affectionate with each other: The last time you touched each other was the first month of the relationship, then it slowly died down and has now come to a total stop. Relationships are about being comfortable enough with the person to show emotion and affection to each other. Actions do speak louder than words.
- You feel like its and effort: Every time you need to spend time together you feel like it s a chore and you need to over prepare and fuss about it. Then you know you need to go, loving someone is effortless and so should the relationship be.
- You feel like you need to be someone else around your partner: you can’t speak your mind, or suggest thing because they just might think it’s crazy or odd. You feel like you can never be your them.
- Taking each other for granted: You pop by their office to bring them lunch and they take, say thank you and its business as usual. If make making the lunch was big deal to you, so should it be to them.
- Constant awkward silence: You should have a lot to say when with your partner but then again silence isn’t a bad then, just not all the time. If there’s more silence than conversation, something id wrong.
- You never do anything right: You’re constantly put down and you feel inadequate and not good enough. You feel ashamed half the time even when you’ve done nothing wrong.
Mbali Radebe