Dept Of Energy: Accounting Clerk Opportunity
- A Senior Certificate with Accounting as a passed subject
- CV
- Copies of ID and Academic transcripts
- Z83 Form
- Verify / inspect supporting documents for all payments and journals
- Assist in monitoring compliance with PFMA, other regulations and policies as well as the application and effectiveness of Internal Control measures with regard to Payments and Receipts; Deposits; and Revenue
- Collect Information (inputs) and assist in compiling the compliance certificate report as required by the PFMA.
- Assist with the collection of information required for the compilation of financial statements.
- Provide supporting documents requested by auditors.
- Knowledge of:
- Treasury Regulations
- DoRA
- Basic accounting System
- Skills:
- Use of Excel and Word in compiling reports
- Ability to work under pressure
- Communication:
- Computer Literacy
- Good verbal and written communication
- Ability to communicate at all levels
- Creativity :
- Self-driven.
- Innovative and self confidence
How To Apply
Post to: The Director-General, Department of Energy, Private Bag X96 Pretoria, 0001 or
Hand delivered to: Department of Energy, Matimba Building, Corner Paul Kruger and Visagie Street (192 Visagie Street).
For Attention: Mr. D Mbhokota / Mr P Ndlovu
Enquiries: Mr R Muditambi, Tel: (012) 406 7414
Closing Date: 30 May 2014