
Do i tell him that am carrying his child?

I am 24years old and my love life is in quite a mess. See, i have been dating this guy for 10 months now after he separated with the wife. He still takes care of his two kids and every time we are together he talks of having a family with me. Every time, he tells me to give him a child. At first i thought he just wanted to get me pregnant n leave but after it persisted, i gave it a thought and stopped using pills. As we speak am pregnant n i haven’t told him. I am not scared of his reaction because i am very ready to raise the child no matter what he decides. What is tearing my soul apart is a mysterious call i got from another woman. She said something like ” I am not ready to share a man with u!” It hit me so hard that night and i was convinced that a man i was giving myself to, is cheating on me. I gained courage to confront him about the issue but he denied it. Within the short period of time i have known him, none of this has ever occurred again n this left me wondering if i should trust him. Lately, i have noticed we don’t communicate as often as we used to. He acts distant when we are not together n gets close when we meet. I never dream t of raising a family with a man of his kind- with other commitments. I am confused admin, please guys what do i do? do i tell him that am carrying his child? Is there a chance for us?

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