10 Signs Your Life Isn’t So Bad After All

If you’re experiencing a huge challenge and there doesn’t seem any way through or round or over, don’t feel too badly about it. Feeling bad just makes matters worse than they need be. We’re being give an opportunity to re-evaluate what really matters to us, which forces us to shift our perspective…and it’s this new point of view that shows us how we can better handle our current ‘lifes-not-so-good’ experiences.
Check out the following 10 signs that prove your life isn’t bad at all…
1. You are not worried about where your next meal is coming from
There’s food in the fridge or pantry, and you have enough to actually pick and choose what you want to eat.
2. You can eat because you enjoy it.
There’s food in the fridge or pantry, and you have enough to actually pick and choose what you want to eat.
3.You have a job
For however many hours, at whatever rate, you are earning money that helps you eat something, sleep on something, wear something every day.
4. You’re working toward a goal
Even if you’re exhausted and it feels miles away, you have a dream for yourself, however vague and malleable.
5. You have the time and means to do things beyond the bare minimum.
You’ve maybe been to a concert in the last few years, you buy books for yourself, you could take a day trip to a neighboring city if you wanted – you don’t have to work all hours of the day to survive.
6. You’re not the same person you were a year ago.
You’re learning, and evolving, and can identify the ways in which you’ve changed for better and worse.
7. You have a selection of clothing at your disposal.
You not only can shield and decorate your body, but can do so appropriately for a variety of circumstances.
8. Your don’t have problems with your health.
Other people have health problems but you are healthy and that’s something to be grateful for.
9. You have people who can support you.
Whether it’s from your friends, family or even strangers. You always have people out there who can offer their assistance when you hit rock bottom.
10. You have time to do something you enjoy.
Even if “what you enjoy” is sitting on the couch and ordering dinner and watching movies.