Is Chris Brown Heading Back To Jail Soon?

It seems trouble has been following Chris Brown wherever he goes recently. The troubled star went for his progress check on Thursday and the judge wasn’t impressed to say the least and wants the singer locked up. Brown has been caught in the middle of so many violent encounters during his concerts, so did the singer violate his probation, if so is he going back to jail?
Chris has been found in the middle of many scandals during his probation. He was found to be present at two different incidents. Firstly it was during the VMA’s weekend when he hosted an after party at an L.A. nightclub where people got shot while he was performing. Last Sunday Brown flew to San Jose without getting permission from the court to allow him to go out of the country which is another violation. Whilst there, bullets were fired and five people were injured.
Brown’s probation officer has reported to the judge that the singer has been arrested twice during his probation, for an assault in D.C. and for throwing a brick at his mom’s car while in rehab. The probation officer who thinks Brown should be locked up says the singer has shown “a pattern of making choices that are counterproductive” and that his main focus is his career not community service.
The judge will decide if Breezy violated his probation on March 20, if so prison is in the cards for the singer. If Brown continues like this what do you think about his performing career? Do you think this might stop him from ever performing again?