10 Things you don’t know about Uhuru Kenyatta

1. Real name Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta
2. His name, Uhuru is Swahili for “freedom”
3. Kenyatta is the son of Jomo Kenyatta, Kenya’s founding father and first president (1964–1978). His origin in Kenya’s Kikuyu ethnic group has played a key role in his political life
4. As Uhuru was studying in USA he returned to Kenya, and started a company Wilham Kenya Limited, through which he sourced and exported agricultural produce.
5. Uhuru Kenyatta became Minister for Local Government under President Daniel arap Moi and, despite his political inexperience, was favoured by President Moi as his successor
6. Uhuru Kenyatta subsequently became Leader of the Opposition in Parliament. He backed Kibaki for re-election in the December 2007 presidential election and was named Minister of Local Government by Kibaki in January 2008, before becoming Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade in April 2008 as part of a coalition government.
7. Uhuru Kenyatta was also Chairman of Kenya African National Union (KANU), which was a part of the Party of National Unity (PNU).
8. Uhuru Kenyatta launched the Fund for the Inclusion of Informal Sector (FIIS), a fund that allows Micro and Small Entrepreneurs (MSE) to access credit facilities, expand their businesses and increase their savings.
9. He is married to Margaret Gakuo Kenyatta. They have three children, Jomo, Jaba and Ngina. He is a practising Catholic
10. Uhuru Kenyatta is the fourth and the current President of Kenya, he has been in office since 9 April 2013