10 South African Business Incubators You Should Know Of! Not everyone has the liberty or the money to put into the costs of starting a business. Most businesses fail in their beginning phases because there isn’t enough financial support or the finances that are available are most used efficiently. Business hubs are there for such reasons. They take you through the small steps till your business is big enough to sustain its self. The list below has an incubation hub that is suitable for different kinds of businesses.
Hatfield Hub
Standard Bank recently launched a new incubator in The City of Tshwane, the Hatfield Hub. This new space hosts activities, programmes and events for entrepreneurs, students and youth. Inquisition has partnered with Standard Bank to design and facilitate workshops, which we call Sparks, that are centered around creativity in the context of entrepreneurship. Our Sparks for the Standard Bank programme aim to improve the chance new business owners have of succeeding by enhancing their capabilities.
1. Transnet Hub
The newly launched Transnet enterprise development hub will expand business opportunities for smaller enterprises and new business entrants. State-owned firm Transnet will invest over R2-billion in the hub, with the aim of developing enterprises and to assist them in participating in the economy.
2. SA Business Hub
The SA Business Hub website was created in response to the need of small business owners in South Africa requiring affordable and accessible on demand business training, knowledge and information, Coaching, a online marketplace for goods and services and a global network of small business owners and entrepreneurs.
3. The Innovation Hub
The Innovation Hub environment provides value-adding business services to support the growth of technology-rich business enterprises over the long-term to increase the wealth of the local knowledge intensive community, promote a culture of innovation, and stimulate the competitiveness of companies and knowledge-based institutions.
4. Swiss business hub SA
Switzerland Global Enterprise provides potential foreign investors with information about the particular strengths and operating conditions of Switzerland as a business location. Its services for foreign companies include assessing the potential of their projects before they are presented to the cantons. Switzerland Global Enterprise assists the cantons with the relocation of foreign companies, providing market and trend analyses and coordinating the activities of all the bodies involved in the promotion of Switzerland as a business location.
5. Pick ‘n Pay Small business
Our Enterprise Development Foundation assists organisations financially (and in any other way) to make sure they are able to remain as long-term suppliers to the industry. The Transformation department is committed not only to the enterprises we currently assist, but also to growth opportunities for new BEE suppliers. All PnP Buyers across the country have been instructed to introduce several new BEE suppliers to their category by the year end. Here are some of the dynamic people who head up the enterprises supported by PnP. Please support them by buying their products in our stores.
6. Raizcorp
Raizcorp is Africa’s only unfunded for-profit business incubator model, which provides full service business support programmes that guide entrepreneurs to profitability. Raizcorp has created “Prosperation” – its own unique, world-renowned model of business incubation. Founded in 2000, Raizcorp has become Africa’s premier business incubator model. Through a rigorous selection process, programmes are targeted to those with the highest potential to succeed. Once selected, the entrepreneurs are exposed to a high-touch support programme that continues to produce excellent results. In association with the Da Vinci Institute, Raizcorp operates as a faculty of entrepreneurship, offering entrepreneurial learning approved by the Council on Higher Education (CHE). Raizcorp is the first business support organisation in Africa to be recognised as a Centre of Excellence by the Small Firms Enterprise Development Initiative (SFEDI), the UK government-approved standards setting body for entrepreneurial development. Raizcorp works with entrepreneurs, corporate, and governments around the globe in order to support entrepreneurial development strategies and initiatives.
7. Shaduka Black Umbrellas
Emerging businesses are supported with the infrastructure, mentorship and collaboration to assist their transition from incubation to viable, independent businesses. For committed, hardworking and dedicated entrepreneurs, this multi-tiered business support is an important catalyst in enterprise development.
The benefits of the programme are:
• Office space;
• Computers, printers, internet access and e-mail;
• Business software and a database of business tools;
• Telephone and reception services;
• Bookkeeping;
• Drivers and vehicles;
• Mentorship program;
• Networking with businesses;
• Marketing;
• Inclusion in the supplier directory made available to corporate companies for business opportunities.
8. Seda Incubation
Stp’s incubation division, which has more than 24 incubation centers spread across the country in specific sectors. The incubation division uses three different organizational models of Technology Business Centres to incubate both start-ups and enterprises requiring rehabilitation:
1. Technology Demonstration Centres (TDCs), which focus on demonstrating, exhibiting and providing training in the use of available technologies – especially with regards to value-addition processes
2. Technology Incubators (TIS), which provide a sheltered and protected environment within which to support and nurture technology-based start-ups and enterprises requiring ‘rehabilitation / resuscitation’
3. Hybrid Centres combine elements of the previous models whilst at the same time incorporating elements or features of the local environment within which these centres are located, to address specific needs of the small enterprises within that environment.
Irrespective of the model a centre/ incubator may follow, they are expected to address the seven focus areas in order to deliver on the mandate of the programme and to ensure STP fulfils its promise of turning 8 in 10 failures into 8 in 10 successes.
9. BizQube
The incubator is designed for science graduates who want to learn how to start and successfully grow technology based business. It is results driven, provides accredited business training and customised mentoring. Such businesses will seek to exploit enterprise supplier development opportunities in the food, beverage, cosmetic and pharmaceutical manufacturing sectors.
10. Timbali Technology Incubator
Timbali was established with the aim of bringing start-up agri-SMME’s into the mainstream economy.
We provide big company benefits to fledgling businesses.
Timbali tips the balance in favour of the start-up SMMEs
• by using a Cluster-model to increase economy of scale
• and a system-dependent business format,
• this enables the small business to consistently deliver a predictable, high quality product resulting in significant economic benefits.
Global statistics show that start-up businesses have a high failure rate.
• Timbali provides both the physical infrastructure as well as the meta-physical or “soft” support services needed to create this enabling environment that provides them with the opportunity to grow into independent, competitive businesses. This is achieved through training, mentorship, technology packaging, financing facilitation and marketing.
• The Incubator greatly improves the chances of survival of start-up businesses during the first three years, when they are most vulnerable.
• We started with cut-flowers and have diversified to include all horticulture products like foliage crops, fruit trees, ornamental crops, vegetables, etc.
By Province
• Aurik (multi-sector): www.aurik.co.za
• Awethu (muti-sector):
• Impact Hub (multi-sector):
• JoziHub (ICT): www.jozihub.org
• Reconstructed Living Lab (multi-sector):
• The Shuttleworth Foundation (multi-sector):
• Downstream Aluminium Centre
for Technology (manufacturing):
• Seda – DUT Technology Incubator (ICT):
• Mpumalanga Agri-skills Development &
Training (agriculture): www.masdt.co.za
• Mpumalanga Stainless Steel Initiative
(manufacturing): www.mpstainless.co.za
• Seda – Agricultural & Mining Tooling
Incubator (manufacturing): www.samti.co.za
• Seda – Limpopo Jewellery Incubator
(manufacturing): www.slji.org.za
• Mapfura Makhura Incubator
(biotechnology): 013 268 9324 or
[email protected]
• Seda – Nelson Mandela Bay Information &
Communication Technology Incubator
• (ICT): www.snmbicti.co.za
• Seda – Platinum Incubator (mining):
• Seda – Construction Incubator
(construction): www.seci.co.za
• Fetola (multi-sector): www.fetola.co.za
• Furntech (manufacturing):
• Raizcorp (multi-sector): www.raizcorp.com
• Shanduka Black Umbrellas (multi-sector):