10 Things You Didn’t Know About Refilwe Modiselle

Here are 10 things you didn’t know about the beautiful Refilwe Modiselle…
1. Modiselle started her modelling career at the age of 13
2. She is best known as South Africa’s 1st albino model and Brand Ambassador for Legit
3. She has been listed as one of top 15 most powerful women locally and internationally on Oprah’s Power List for 2013
4. Modiselle’s favourite models are Alek Wek, Kate Moss, Heidi Klum and Diandra Forrest
5. The best advice she’s ever received was from her mom she told her to “walk tall & keep my head up”
6. She dislike when some of the clients not classifying her as black
7. She a qualified advertising specialist by profession
8. She’s kicking off her singing career and exploring the acting world
9. Her internationally celebrity crush is Boris Kojo and Idriso Alba
10. The worst pick line she ever heard was “Is your father a terrorist….? Cause I swear you’re the bomb.”