10 Affordable Beauty Hacks Every Girl Should Know

10 Affordable Beauty Hacks Every Girl Should Know.
1. Cold Water For Glow
For the flawless tan, hydration is necessary. Dermatologists advise you to wash your face with cold water at least twice a week, as hot water opens the pores, which are then more easily filled with bacteria.
2. Vaseline For Stronger Nails
Every household typically has a substantial number of Vaseline tubs. It is a very affordable, multipurpose household item. Vaseline can strengthen weak, brittle nails. Applying it onto your nail bed and cuticles nourishes your nails from deep within, making them much stronger over time.
3. Cutting Makeup Wipes In Half
Doing this prolongs the time period that you would have taken to finish a full packet of face wipes. Although there are safer alternatives to removing makeup from the delicate skin on your face, no one can deny the convenience of good old makeup wipes.
4. Bicarbonate of Soda For Whiter Teeth
Brushing your teeth with bicarbonate of soda will save you money that you would have otherwise spent on teeth-whitening products. It is excellent for removing surface stains. Just dab your toothbrush onto some bicarbonate of soda, then top it with your normal toothpaste. Do this every one or two days because overusing it will damage your tooth enamel.
5. Toothbrush For Your Edges
Buy the cheapest toothbrush on the supermarket shelf. You don’t have to replace it every three months like the toothbrush that you brush with, just make sure you wash it at least once a week to wash away the dried up gel and strands of hair. To lay your edges, swoop the short baby hairs, which are right at the edge of your hairline, away from your face and into the rest of your hair.
6. Baby Powder With Mascara
We all want a mascara with both volume and length of eyelashes, extreme black color and shine and everything. For this, there is a trick, baby powder! Apply one coat of mascara, and dip the cotton swab in baby powder and go over the lashes, then apply a second coat. You will be thrilled with the result.
7. Honey Mask
Raw honey is rich in antioxidants, which slow down ageing, and antibacterial properties which fight acne. Simply apply a tablespoon of plain honey to a clean face, and let it sit for 10 or so minutes. Rinse, then moisturise. Your skin will feel soft, moisturised and look very radiant.
8. Lips Peeling
To make your lipstick stand longer on your lips, you must prepare them. Make a mild peeling with a toothbrush and then some lip balm on, and you can even make a natural product for peeling with sugar, a little lemon juice, and coconut oil. Tasty and effective!
9. Let The Perfume Last Longer
If you want to keep the fragrance of perfumes longer on the skin it is necessary to apply it immediately after the shower as the humidity of the body will help in this. This will also save you money as you won’t be spraying yourself every now and then.
10. Make A Nail Polish Remover
No one wants to be spotted with a nail polish that is peeling. It happens often that we don’t have a nail polish remover at an important moment though. Do not despair as you can make your own with lemon juice and vinegar.