Is He Serious About You?

Is your boyfriend simply flirting with you or is he really serious about your relationship in the long term? Take this quiz to find out whether your boyfriend is serious about you or not.
1. Has your boyfriend ever initiated a discussion about your future as a couple?Yes, a lot of times/No, not even once
2. Does your boyfriend play mind games with you? Yes, all the time/ No, he is straight forward about things
3. Has your boyfriend introduced you to his family?Yes/No
4. Does he listen to you when you talk? Yes, he is very attentive to everything I say/ No, he just changes the subject
5. Has your boyfriend ever failed to come to your rescue in emergency situations?No, when I call him to help he is always there/ Yes, he is always unavailable
6. Has your boyfriend ever spoken behind your back to anyone else? Yes, even to my friends/ No, he would never
7. If your boyfriend told you a white lie and you caught him later, would you forgive him?Yes, its only a white lie/ No, if he lies once he will do it again
8. Do you know all your boyfriend’s contacts stored in his phone?Yes, its my right to know everything that’s on his phone/ No, I trust him
9.Do you think if you proposed to your boyfriend for marriage, he would agree? Yes, he loves me/ No, I don’t think so
10. Does your boyfriend make you part of decision making? Yes, he respects my opinion/ No, he just decides, my opinion doesnt matter to him
Calculate your score then check your results:
1. Y=3 N=0
2. Y=0 N=3
3. Y=2 N=1
4. Y=2 N=0
5. Y=1 N=1
6. Y=0 N=4
7. Y=1 N=3
8. Y=0 N=3
9. Y=1 N=1
10.Y=4 N=0
Is He Serious About You ?
He is Definitely Serious About You 20-30
This guy definitely has the hearts for you and he is straight about you and your relationship.
He is not sure 50/50 10-19
According to the results, your guy is in the middle with things. Probably doing some soul searching or maybe new to the game. Sometimes people do things which look bad to their partners but only to find out that their protecting themselves. No rushed decisions to be made because he might be serious about you.
He Is Not Serious About You 1-9
Well it’s obviously evident that your boyfriend is playing with you and he is not even showing some remorse about it. So better make a run for it while its still early.