Is Your Partner Cheating On You?

Do you find yourself being suspicious about your boyfriend or girlfriend and seem to think they are cheating on you?. Are you tired of not knowing where you stand? Take this quiz and Find out if he/she is cheating or not.
Do you think your bf/gf is happy with your relationship? Y/N
Have you caught him/her checking out other girls/guys? Y/N
Are there times when your bf/gf is difficult to reach and is always busy? Y/N
Does he/she go out late to party and fail to invite you to come along? Y/N
Does your bf/gf receive any mysterious calls or texts from girls/guys?
Do you think Men are more likely to cheat than women? Y/N
Do you think woman are more likely to cheat than man? Y/N
Does he/she quickly close his Facebook or Mxit page when you walk past him? Y/N
Do you trust him/her? Y/N
Has he/she introduced you to his/her family? Y/N
Is your relationship serious? Y/N
Has he/she ever cheated on you before? Y/N
Have you heard rumours about your bf/gf cheating? Y/N
Has he/she ever accused you of cheating? Y/N
What does your gut tell you? Is he/she cheating? Y/N
Your score calculation
Y=0, N=3
Y=1, N=0
Y=1, N=1
Y=2, N=1
Y=2, N=2
Y=1, N=0
Y=1, N=0
Y=2, N=0
Y=0, N=0
Y=2, N=1
Y=0, N=3
Y=3, N=1
Y=2, N=0
Y=0, N=0
Y=3, N=0
Score Between 17-25
Yes He/She is definitely cheating on you and doesn’t care about how you feel. Your bf/gf has no control over himself/herself and won’t stop any time soon. There is no way that you are at all paranoid. If it barks like a dog it is a dog and if it tastes sour then it is a lemon.
Score Between 9-16
He/She might be cheating on you and might not be cheating on you. Chances are 50/50, though you might be a little bit careful though and try not to be too curious and paranoid about your bf/gf cheating on you because you might be on the verge of risking your relationship. So stay cautious but do not overeact. Your bf/gf might be acting suspicious hence you are taking this test and might show signs of a cheater but not necessarily cheating. However he/she maybe flirting and is committed to you at the same time.
Score Between 1-8
He is not at all cheating on you. Don’t know why you even took this quiz. Trust is everything and you need to trust your bf/gf. Unless you don’t foresee any future with your bf/gf. Your bf/gf is really committed to you and you should be relieved.